Sunday, May 24, 2020
Is Stalking A Crime - 1806 Words
Stalking has been around since the beginning of time. What is today called stalking was described with different terms in the past. Early 20th century’s psychiatrists, referred to the term stalking as ‘’erotomania’’ which was used to define women’s delusional belief of being loved by a man of a higher social class or social esteem. In the 1980’s, stalking was linked with rather obsession and ‘’psychological rape’’ as problems in relationships, instead of mental illness or as crime. Following the harassment and in some cases death of famous people by fans, the term ‘’star stalking’’ was introduced and California passed the nation’s first anti-stalking statute in 1990, making stalking a crime in itself. Nowadays, this erotomanic type of delusional disorder has been classified in DSM-IV of the American Psychiatric Association, 1994. There is no general agreement regarding the exa ct definition of stalking. A certain amount of emphasis has been placed on the particular degree to which evolves into a subjective sense of threat. In 1998, Meloy defined the act of stalking as an intrusive behavior possibly leading to harassment as a threat, originated from a behavioral pattern and resulted in a feeling of distress or fear for the victim. In 1998 Westrup, proposed a further definition suggesting that is a number of behaviors that are directed towards a specific individual, are experienced by the target as intrusive or unwanted, subsequently triggering fear or concern to theShow MoreRelated The Crime of Stalking Essay2227 Words  | 9 PagesThe Crime of Stalking Stalking has been around since the beginning of time. Men and women alike have been accused of such a crime cause they either cant get it out of their head that the other person does not want to have anything to do with them, or they are just obsessed with a stranger. It is just recent that they United States Government have decided to make stalking a crime in it self. This type of crime was labeled as harassment, annoyance, or domestic violence. It wasn?t until the 80sRead MoreCyber Stalking Is An Actionable Crime1370 Words  | 6 PagesCyber stalking is an actionable crime as defined in 18 USC Section 875, a federal law on interstate communications, and it reads: (a) Whoever transmits in interstate or foreign commerce any communication containing any demand or request for a ransom or reward for the release of any kidnapped person, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both. 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The term cyberstalking is any form of unwanted communication across the Internet including texting and social media. The fact is that the problem of cyberstalking is rapidly growing in this technology dependent society. The problem with cyberstalking is the lack of international law against cyberstalking making it hard to convict or even charge offenders with these crimes. Additionally isRead MoreStalking Of America And The Us Court System1306 Words  | 6 Pages Stalking in America and The US Court Systems Angela J. Townsend Ashford University February 4, 2017 STALKING IN AMERICA AND THE US COURT SYSTEM Stalking is a national epidemic. Across the country millions of Americans are stalked each year. They are followed without relief everywhere they go–to work, to school, to the shopping mall, to the doctor’s office, to their homeâ€â€until they no longer feel safe anywhere. The first stalking laws were defined by the state of ClaiforniaRead MorePersuasive Essay On Stalking1295 Words  | 6 Pagesbeing stalked? Stalking by definition is to harass or persecute (someone) with unwanted and or obsessive attention. It has become a serious but relatively new problem within the United States. There are actually more than one way to stalk someone but what happens when this occurs? I think that stalking has been taken too lightly in this nation and we need to start implicating stronger laws and educating people on the issue of stalking and how it can be prevented. Although stalking laws are relativelyRead MoreCrimes Against People Essay1281 Words  | 6 PagesCrimes Against People May 26, 2011 Crimes Against People Crimes that are committed against a person produce a material risk that an offender will threaten body injury or actually use physical force on a person. These crimes are compiled of, but not limited to, offenses such as murder, manslaughter, battery, and assault. Although stalking is considered a crime against a person, it does not require the threat or use of physical force. I will provide you with a more detailed overview of theRead MoreRoutine Activity And Situational Crime Prevention Theory1082 Words  | 5 PagesRoutine activity theory states that for a crime to be committed, three important factors need to be present including: a motivated offender, an accessible target, and the absence of a capable guardian against a violation. Marcus Felson and Lawrence E. Cohen introduced the routine activity theory in 1979, where they believed that an individual who has these three characteristics gives them a greater possibility of committing a crime. Moreover, situational crime prev ention is known as strategies of waysRead MoreSexual Violence, And Stranger Violence1056 Words  | 5 Pagestraining we will discuss three scenarios dealing with stalking, intimate violence, and stranger violence. This training will help us determine the definition and how to deal with these areas of crime. The scenarios may or may not show how 3 areas are separate and/or combined. This training will have questions and answers that are able to be easily used as helpful guides for the trainees. Each scenario discussed will highlight stalking. Stalking creates a psychological prison that deprives its victimsRead MoreMcp Proposal1292 Words  | 6 Pagessupport Maine communities in their efforts to develop and strengthen effective law enforcement and prosecution strategies to respond to violent crimes against women and to develop and strengthen victim services in cases involving violent crimes against women. Violence against women crimes includes sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking. Eligible applicants are state and units oflocal government; Indian tribal govemments; courts, tribal courts and the Administrative Office of
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