Thursday, September 3, 2020
Philosophy of Educative Assessment Essay -- essays research papers
Reasoning of Assessment Evaluation of understudies is a vital piece of their training. It is one thing to be capable, with some level of certainty, to state that 'Johnny knows x' however it is very another to have the option to state 'Sarah can x'. Obviously appraisal at its center is engaged with the estimating of something and that on the off chance that I anticipate that understudies should reach over a specific degree of 'something' at that point I should plainly impart that to them. The regressive structure that we know about goes some way or another towards accomplishing this objective. The idea that we state at the start our desires for understudy learning and afterward structure exercises to accomplish that expressed objective has all the earmarks of being presence of mind. Be that as it may, the inclination for educators to depend upon prior testing materials and change their elevated requirements to either instruct to the test or receive a less ?radical? approach is enticing. I imagine that new in structors are so overpowered with the everyday business of running a homeroom that evaluation, maybe the most imperative and under analyzed territory in training, takes a secondary lounge before long. A disappointing part of present day instruction is the idea of separation. It is regularly introduced as in every understudy adapts in an unexpected way, has various qualities and shortcomings and likewise ought to be managed evaluation openings that permit them the most obvious opportunity with regards to progress. That approach is overwhelming to new educators on the grounds that the suggestion is that individualized appraisal is ideal and with one hundred and six understudies of various evaluation levels and their own general regions of expertise, individualized appraisal shows up too hard a test. I have started to look at my own evaluation with the end goal of discovering approaches to improve it and improve ... ...positions understudies find among themselves, the absolutes are the content and the definitions accessible in the Oxford English Dictionary. The variable of educator translation is additionally diminished on the grounds that the understudy utilizes proof structure the content to demonstrate their attestations. Notwithstanding which, I fight that the explanation meets the models for an educative appraisal in that it considers the scholastic development of the understudy as the aftereffect of the highlights of the entry that are enlightened. Understudies see various things in a similar book and express their discoveries diversely however the estimation of their discoveries is the measure to take. The objective of educative appraisal seems to turn ?conventional? appraisal on its ear. The thought that the evaluation is instructing something is a test to numerous instructors, especially educators with a personal stake in delivering test scores.
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Criticism of Ecotourism free essay sample
Ecotourism (otherwise called natural the travel industry) is mindful travel to delicate, perfect, and typically ensured territories that endeavors to be low effect and (regularly) little scope. It implies to instruct the voyager; give assets to protection; straightforwardly advantage the monetary turn of events and political strengthening of neighborhood networks; and encourage regard for various societies and for human rights. Ecotourism is held as significant by the individuals who take part in it with the goal that people in the future may encounter parts of the earth generally immaculate by human mediation. Most genuine investigations of ecotourism including a few college programs presently utilize this as the working definition. Definitional issues and greenwashing Part of the issue, a reasonable definition must outline what is, and isn't, ecotourism. In a perfect world, ecotourism fulfills a few general measures, including the preservation of organic decent variety and social assorted variety through biological system security, advancement of feasible utilization of biodiversity, portion of social-financial advantages with neighborhood networks through educated assent and support, increment in natural and social information, reasonableness and decreased waste, and minimization of its own ecological effect. [5][6] In such manners, it adds to the drawn out advantages to both nature and nearby networks. In any case, in the continuum of the travel industry exercises that stretch from regular the travel industry to ecotourism appropriate, there has been a great deal of dispute as far as possible at which biodiversity safeguarding, neighborhood social-financial advantages, and ecological effect can be viewed as ecotourism. Consequently, earthy people, particular vested parties, and governments characterize ecotourism in an unexpected way. Ecological associations have for the most part demanded that ecotourism is nature-based, reasonably oversaw, preservation supporting, and naturally taught. 5][9] The vacationer business and governments, nonetheless, center more around the item perspective, regarding ecotourism as proportional to any kind of the travel industry situated in nature. [5] As a further complexity, numerous terms are utilized under the rubric of ecotourism. [5][5] Nature the travel industry, low effect the travel industry, green the travel industry, bio-the travel industry, naturally dependable the travel industry, and others have been utilized in writing and showcasing, despite the fact that they are a bit much equivalent with ecotourism. [5] The issues related with characterizing ecotourism have prompted disarray among vacationers and cademics the same. Definitional issues are additionally subject of extensive open discussion and concern as a result of green washing, a pattern towards the commercialization of the travel industry plans camouflaged as feasible, nature based, and naturally well disposed ecotourism. As indicated by McLaren,[5] these plans are naturally damaging, monetarily exploitative, and socially inhumane even under the least favorable conditions. They are likewise ethically perplexing in light of the fact that they misdirect travelers and control their interests for nature. 10] The turn of events and achievement of such enormous scope, vitality escalated, and biologically unreasonable plans are a demonstration of the huge benefits related with being named as ecotourism. [edit]Negative effect of the travel industry Ecotourism has gotten one of the quickest developing segments of the travel industry, developing every year by 10-15% around the world (Miller, 2007). One meaning of ecotourism is â€Å"the practice of low-sway, instructive, biologically and socially touchy travel that benefits neighborhood networks and host countries†(Honey, 1999). A large number of the ecotourism ventures are not satisfying these guidelines. Regardless of whether a portion of the rules are being executed, the neighborhood networks are as yet confronting other negative effects. South Africa is one of the nations that are receiving huge monetary rewards from ecotourism, however pessimistic impacts including driving individuals away from their homes, net infringement of principal rights, and ecological perils far exceed the medium-term financial advantages (Miller, 2007). An enormous measure of cash is being spent and HR keep on being utilized for ecotourism regardless of ineffective results, and significantly more cash is placed into open connection crusades to weaken the impacts of analysis. Ecotourism channels assets from different activities that could contribute progressively feasible and practical answers for squeezing social and ecological issues. â€Å"The cash the travel industry can produce regularly attaches parks and administrations to eco-tourism†(Walpole et al. 2001). However, there is a strain in this relationship in light of the fact that eco-the travel industry regularly causes strife and changes in land-use rights, neglects to convey guarantees of network level advantages, harms conditions, and has a lot of other social effects. In reality many contend over and again that eco-the travel industry is neither biologically nor socially useful, yet it perseveres as a technique for preservation and advancement (West, 2006). While a few investigations are being done on approaches to improve the ecotourism structure, some contend that these models give reason to halting it out and out. The ecotourism framework practices huge budgetary and political impact. The proof above shows that a solid case exists for limiting such exercises in specific areas. Financing could be utilized for field considers planned for discovering elective answers for the travel industry and the assorted issues Africa faces in consequence of urbanization, industrialization, and the over misuse of agribusiness (Kamuaro, 2007). At the nearby level, ecotourism has become a wellspring of contention over control of land, assets, and the travel industry benefits. For this situation, ecotourism has hurt the earth and nearby individuals, and has prompted clashes over benefit dissemination. Ideally more endeavors would be made towards instructing vacationers of the natural and social impacts of their movements. Not very many guidelines or laws remain set up as limits for the speculators in ecotourism. These ought to be executed to preclude the advancement of unreasonable ecotourism ventures and materials which venture bogus pictures of goals, disparaging neighborhood and indigenous societies. [edit]Direct natural effects Ecotourism activities once in a while neglect to satisfy preservation beliefs. It is now and again neglected that ecotourism is an exceptionally purchaser focused movement, and that natural preservation is a way to promote monetary development. 11] Although ecotourism is expected for little gatherings, even an unobtrusive increment in populace, anyway transitory, squeezes the nearby condition and requires the improvement of extra framework and courtesies. The development of water treatment plants, sanitation offices, and cabins accompany the misuse of non-sustainable power sources and the use of effectively restricted nearby assets. [12] The change of common land to such va cationer foundation is embroiled in deforestation and living space crumbling of butterflies in Mexico and squirrel monkeys in Costa Rica. 13] In different cases, nature endures on the grounds that nearby networks can't satisfy the foundation needs of ecotourism. The absence of satisfactory sanitation offices in numerous East African parks brings about the removal of campground sewage in streams, debasing the natural life, domesticated animals, and individuals who draw drinking water from it. Beside ecological debasement with traveler framework, populace pressures from ecotourism additionally abandons trash and contamination related with the Western way of life. 14] Although ecotourists guarantee to be instructively refined and naturally concerned, they once in a while comprehend the biological results of their visits and how their everyday exercises annex physical effects on the earth. As one researcher watches, they once in a while recognize how the suppers they eat, the toilets they flush, the water they drink, etc, are all piece of more extensive provincial financial and biological frameworks they are serving to reconfigure with their very exercises. [5] Nor do ecotourists perceive the extraordinary utilization of non-sustainable power source required to show up at their goal, which is ordinarily more remote than traditional the travel industry goals. For example, an intriguing excursion to a spot 10,000 kilometers away devours around 700 liters of fuel for every indi vidual. [15] Ecotourism exercises are, in of itself, issues in ecological effect since they upset fauna and vegetation. Ecotourists accept that since they are just taking pictures and leaving impressions, they keep ecotourism destinations unblemished, however even innocuous sounding exercises, for example, a nature climb can be biologically dangerous. In the Annapurna Circuit in Nepal, ecotourists have worn out the stamped trails and made backup courses of action, adding to soil impaction, disintegration, and plant harm. [5] Where the ecotourism movement includes natural life seeing, it can drive off creatures, disturb their taking care of and settling sites,[5] or adapt them to the nearness of individuals. [5] In Kenya, natural life eyewitness interruption drives cheetahs off their stores, expanding the danger of inbreeding and further jeopardizing the species. [5] [edit]Environmental perils This article is composed like an individual reflection or paper and may require cleanup. If you don't mind help improve it by revising it in an all encompassing style. (December 2007) The industrialization, urbanization, and impractical farming acts of human culture are viewed as seriously affecting the earth. Ecotourism is presently additionally viewed as assuming a job in this consumption. While the term ecotourism may sound generally considerate, one of its most genuine effects is its utilization of virgin regions (Kamuaro, 2007). These attacks frequently incorporate deforestation, interruption of biological life frameworks and different types of contamination, all of which add to natural corruption. The quantity of engine vehicle
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Role of Human Resource Planning for Organizations Essay
The Role of Human Resource Planning for Organizations - Essay Example How the top administration areas inside this association comprehend the decree of human asset arranging is something that infers sound outcomes. Satisfactory arranging is the need of great importance since it gives the top administration an obvious vision with regards to what it ought to expect on account of the center administration and the representatives that are working under its domains (Idris, 1998). The human asset arranging is essentially the measuring stick that chooses the future recruiting and terminating methodology which are available inside the undertaking. One must comprehend that the human asset arranging roads can undoubtedly be comprehended if legitimate measures are attempted with the essential belief system to ensure that mental soundness must win inside the related positions of authoritative development and improvement (Dinteman, 2003). Human asset arranging will bring about better principles as far as execution estimation. In the event that these principles are appropriately dealt with, the human asset arranging guidelines will consistently be regarded as purposes of accomplishment. Since the human asset arranging
The Consumption Function Essay Example for Free
The Consumption Function Essay To make the pay consumption model progressively sensible, we should present different parts of interest, including the legislature and the remote area. In any case, first we have to perceive that purchasers arranged consumptions will rely upon their degree of salary. †¢Consumer Spending and Income The utilization work depicts the connection between wanted spending by buyers and the degree of pay. At the point when buyers have more pay, they will need to buy more merchandise and ventures. A straightforward utilization capacity can be depicted by the condition C = Ca + by In which all out utilization spending, C, has two sections. The initial segment, Ca, is called self-ruling utilization, and it doesn't legitimately rely upon the degree of pay. The subsequent part, by, speaks to the piece of utilization that depends on pay. It is the result of the part b, called the negligible penchant to devour (MPC), and level of salary in the economy, y. The MPC, which has an estimation of b in our recipe, discloses to us how much utilization spending will increment for each dollar that pay increments. On the off chance that b rises to 0.7, at that point for each $1 that pay expands, utilization would increment by 0.7 ÃŽ § $1, or $0.70. As firms produce yield, they pay families salary as wages, intrigue, benefits, and leases. We can along these lines use y to speak to both yield and pay. †¢Changes in the Consumption Function The utilization work is controlled by the degree of self-sufficient utilization and by the MPC. The degree of self-governing utilization can change, thus can the MPC. Changes in either move the utilization capacity to another situation on the diagram. A more significant level of self-sufficient utilization yet no change in MPC will move the whole utilization work upward and corresponding to its unique position. More utilization happens at each degree of salary. Various components can make self-sufficient utilization change. Here are two: Increments in customer riches will cause an expansion in self-ruling utilization. Riches comprises of the estimation of stocks, bonds, and buyer durables (customer merchandise that keep going quite a while, for example, autos and coolers). Note that a person’s riches isn't equivalent to pay. Salary is the measure of cash somebody acquires during a period, for example, in a given year, though riches speaks to the people all out total assets. Increments in customer certainty will increment self-governing utilization proportion. Forecasters focus on purchaser certainty, a measure dependent on family unit studies of how positive buyers are feeling about the future, since it causes them to anticipate utilization spending. The Conference Board, a not-for-profit association committed to dispersing financial investigation, distributes a record of purchaser certainty every month that numerous forecasters depend on. An adjustment in the negligible affinity to devour will cause an adjustment in the slant of the utilization work.
Friday, August 21, 2020
A Technical Analysis of Ergonomics and Human Factors in Modern Flight D
I. Presentation Since the beginning of the flight period, cockpit configuration has become progressively convoluted attributable to the appearance of new advances empowering airplane to fly more remote and quicker more proficiently than any time in recent memory. With more prominent remaining burdens forced on pilots as armadas modernize, the truth of he or she surpassing the outstanding task at hand limit has gotten show. In light of the unusual nature of man, this issue is difficult to take out totally. In any case, the examples of event can be definitely diminished by looking at the nature of man, how he works in the cockpit, and what must be finished by specialists to plan a framework in which man and machine are in a perfect world interfaced. The last point includes an inside and out investigation of framework structure with an accentuation on human elements, biomechanics, cockpit controls, and show frameworks. By investigating these parts of cockpit structure, and figuring out which factors of each will yield the most reduced blunders, a framework can be structured in which the Liveware-Hardware interface can advance wellbeing and decrease accident recurrence. II. The History Of Human Factors in Cockpit Design The historical backdrop of cockpit configuration can be followed as far back as the first swell flights, where a gauge was utilized to quantify elevation. The Wright siblings consolidated a string connected to the airplane to demonstrate slips and slips (Hawkins, 241). Be that as it may, the primary genuine endeavors towards human components usage in cockpit configuration started in the mid 1930's. During this time, the United States Postal Service started flying airplane taking all things together climate missions (Kane, 4:9). The more noteworthy dependence on instrumentation brought up the issue of where to put each show and control. Nonetheless, very little consideration was being concentrated on this territory as designers thought progressively about getting the instrument in the cockpit, than about how it would interface with the pilot (Sanders and McCormick, 739). In the mid-to late 1930's, the improvement of the main gyroscopic instruments constrained specialists to make their first significant human variables related choice. Simple circumstance pointers raised worry about whether the showcases ought to mirror the view as observed from inside the cockpit, having the skyline move behind a fixed scaled down plane, or as it would be seen from outside the airplane. Until the finish of World War I, airplane were made ... ...anifest. The conversation of biomechanics in section three was intentionally wide, in light of the fact that it is such a wide and differing field. The ideas addressed demonstrate the territories of worry that an architect must address before making a cockpit that is ergonomically well disposed in the physical sense. Controls and shows hold somewhat more pertinence, since they are the essential control furthermore, criticism gadgets associated with controlling the airplane. These were talked about in more noteworthy detail in light of the fact that a large number of those ideas never arrive at the cognizant psyche of the administrator. Despite the fact that consciousness of these elements isn't basic to safe airplane activity, they do assume an imperative job in the inner mind brain of the pilot during basic operational stages under high pressure. In light of the eccentric nature of man, it is silly to expect a zero resistance condition to potential blunders like these, yet further examination concerning the configuration process, biomechanics, control and show gadgets may yield more prominent understanding undoubtedly. Outfitted with this information, architects can embark to manufacture airplane not exclusively to move individuals and material, yet additionally to spare lives.
MIT Inside vs. Outside
MIT Inside vs. Outside Yes I said etc Just dont think about it to much (oh and Im working on getting a better camera so apologies ahed of time) I am not sure if you guys have the same feeling, but sometimes you just have those times where everything just feels right. There might not be anything especially special about the moment that you are in, but nevertheless every piece of your life seems to fit into the right spot. You tripped over your foot and successfully landed a perfect front flip recovery, your girlfriend exists (lol), and you walked into your AP Physics test, looked it dead in its pale, white, papery face and said, “I will defeat you,†and then proceeded to do so…. When I came to MIT as a super cool 8th grader (because don’t we all feel that way in 8th grade) that is the exact feeling I had. I would like to give you guys the exact word to perfectly describe how I felt when I first put foot on campus, but sadly I don’t think such a word exists. I’d felt that MIT was a place for me. The buildings seemed to be the embodiment of innovation, the students I saw walking around campus had done what so many high school students strived for each and every day, and my meeting with a Professor Hammond gave me the feeling MIT students actually have limitless opportunity. To me MIT was Heaven on Earth. Now let me be completely honest with you guys for like 2 sec. I have visited schools that were physically more beautiful. Look as a blogger I feel slightly obligated to tell you guys otherwise, but I would feel bad lying to you coolest people on the planet (If you have interest in this school, you are in this group of “coolest people†If you do not have interest in this school………….. lol jk those people don’t exist). But in all seriousness out of all of the colleges I visited, MIT was the only college where I truly felt at home. While I visited other colleges I constantly found myself thinking things on the lines of “Woahhhhh this school would be awesome for (some person that is not me).†Now that does not mean that these other schools were not amazing in their own respect, but in honesty they just simply were not the place for me. They were like that best friend you have that is super awesome and would totally be dateable except you just don’t have that “I like you in that kind of way ;)†vibe. In my mind I would not be happier anywhere else other than MIT. The insane need to attend MIT was one of the core aspects that caused me to work hard in high school. I would just dream of one day being able to live in my “Heaven on Earth†and 4 years later that happened; however, unexpectedly things changed for me once I had finally reached the end all be all (Now things might sound bad now, but little *spoiler* if you keep reading all the way to the end they get better. Now if you are like me and hate spoilers don’t read this excerpt….). After getting to MIT and living here MIT slowly just became another place to me. I was getting so caught up in psetting, going to classes, just hanging out with friends, and things of that nature that MIT was losing its heavenly status. It is like when you eat your favorite food all of the time it just doesn’t seem to taste as good as it used to. Now MIT was not becoming a place that I hated, it wasn’t even a place that I disliked, I still loved being here, but I was not acknowledging that fact. MIT was simply just a place I happened to live; it was no different from any other place I could potentially live. The scariest part of this gradual change for me was that…… I had no idea it was happening. (*spoiler* here comes the happy climb back up :P again if you don’t like spoilers please don’t read this excerpt). About a week ago a friend of mine that was a senior at my high school came and visited MIT for the WISE program. Through this program he was able to come to MIT and live with a student, take classes, and just get a feel of what it means to be an MIT student. During his time here all I did was rant about how amazing MIT was. I wouldn’t shut up about how much I loved late night psetting with friends, how much I respected my professors for taking time from their genius to teach me, how much I enjoyed hanging with my new fraternity brothers, and of course how awesome it has been being able to share my love with the world via blogs. I actually would not shut up. I feel like at some point he was giving me that “I don’t really care what you are saying, but it’s like 3 in the morning and social norm requires me to smile and act like what you are saying is interesting ….. But for real Ben I have to get some homework done†face, and it was then that I realized that MIT was still my heaven on Earth. Now Ben what are you getting at with this story of yours??? Excellent question my little prefrosh I will tell you. Sometimes it is wayyyyyyyy too easy to take for granted the opportunities we have. For me that was MIT. However, once I got here I began to get complacent and started to forget that I have been given one of the most amazing openings to change the world. Now if you are sitting there like, “lol Ben I haven’t got in yet so I can’t yet get complacent this does not apply to me,†you are……. probably really sleepy or something lol because think about it. Every single one of us has something in our lives that has become so integrated that we forget how special that something is. Whether that’s an opportunity to have parents that can afford an amazing high school so that you can get every bit of education you need to get into a good college, or it is simply the fact that we wake up in the morning and we can walk to our closet and have clothes, we all have something in our lives we should be grateful for. So you know what would be cool???? Lol take a little bit of time to just say “Thank You†to someone or something that you are grateful. For me that is my parents, for well everything lol, and to MIT, for truly being my heaven on Earth. P.S. Saying thank you to MIT as a whole is a little bit harder than I thought…. Kind of just went up to a wall and was just like “thanks bro†*fist bump* (regrets punching wall immediately). Now for picutres of how beatuiful this place is: Thanks MIT The secret roof library not that secret but I didnt know it existed How can you look over the charles river and just not be happy
MIT Inside vs. Outside
MIT Inside vs. Outside Yes I said etc Just dont think about it to much (oh and Im working on getting a better camera so apologies ahed of time) I am not sure if you guys have the same feeling, but sometimes you just have those times where everything just feels right. There might not be anything especially special about the moment that you are in, but nevertheless every piece of your life seems to fit into the right spot. You tripped over your foot and successfully landed a perfect front flip recovery, your girlfriend exists (lol), and you walked into your AP Physics test, looked it dead in its pale, white, papery face and said, “I will defeat you,†and then proceeded to do so…. When I came to MIT as a super cool 8th grader (because don’t we all feel that way in 8th grade) that is the exact feeling I had. I would like to give you guys the exact word to perfectly describe how I felt when I first put foot on campus, but sadly I don’t think such a word exists. I’d felt that MIT was a place for me. The buildings seemed to be the embodiment of innovation, the students I saw walking around campus had done what so many high school students strived for each and every day, and my meeting with a Professor Hammond gave me the feeling MIT students actually have limitless opportunity. To me MIT was Heaven on Earth. Now let me be completely honest with you guys for like 2 sec. I have visited schools that were physically more beautiful. Look as a blogger I feel slightly obligated to tell you guys otherwise, but I would feel bad lying to you coolest people on the planet (If you have interest in this school, you are in this group of “coolest people†If you do not have interest in this school………….. lol jk those people don’t exist). But in all seriousness out of all of the colleges I visited, MIT was the only college where I truly felt at home. While I visited other colleges I constantly found myself thinking things on the lines of “Woahhhhh this school would be awesome for (some person that is not me).†Now that does not mean that these other schools were not amazing in their own respect, but in honesty they just simply were not the place for me. They were like that best friend you have that is super awesome and would totally be dateable except you just don’t have that “I like you in that kind of way ;)†vibe. In my mind I would not be happier anywhere else other than MIT. The insane need to attend MIT was one of the core aspects that caused me to work hard in high school. I would just dream of one day being able to live in my “Heaven on Earth†and 4 years later that happened; however, unexpectedly things changed for me once I had finally reached the end all be all (Now things might sound bad now, but little *spoiler* if you keep reading all the way to the end they get better. Now if you are like me and hate spoilers don’t read this excerpt….). After getting to MIT and living here MIT slowly just became another place to me. I was getting so caught up in psetting, going to classes, just hanging out with friends, and things of that nature that MIT was losing its heavenly status. It is like when you eat your favorite food all of the time it just doesn’t seem to taste as good as it used to. Now MIT was not becoming a place that I hated, it wasn’t even a place that I disliked, I still loved being here, but I was not acknowledging that fact. MIT was simply just a place I happened to live; it was no different from any other place I could potentially live. The scariest part of this gradual change for me was that…… I had no idea it was happening. (*spoiler* here comes the happy climb back up :P again if you don’t like spoilers please don’t read this excerpt). About a week ago a friend of mine that was a senior at my high school came and visited MIT for the WISE program. Through this program he was able to come to MIT and live with a student, take classes, and just get a feel of what it means to be an MIT student. During his time here all I did was rant about how amazing MIT was. I wouldn’t shut up about how much I loved late night psetting with friends, how much I respected my professors for taking time from their genius to teach me, how much I enjoyed hanging with my new fraternity brothers, and of course how awesome it has been being able to share my love with the world via blogs. I actually would not shut up. I feel like at some point he was giving me that “I don’t really care what you are saying, but it’s like 3 in the morning and social norm requires me to smile and act like what you are saying is interesting ….. But for real Ben I have to get some homework done†face, and it was then that I realized that MIT was still my heaven on Earth. Now Ben what are you getting at with this story of yours??? Excellent question my little prefrosh I will tell you. Sometimes it is wayyyyyyyy too easy to take for granted the opportunities we have. For me that was MIT. However, once I got here I began to get complacent and started to forget that I have been given one of the most amazing openings to change the world. Now if you are sitting there like, “lol Ben I haven’t got in yet so I can’t yet get complacent this does not apply to me,†you are……. probably really sleepy or something lol because think about it. Every single one of us has something in our lives that has become so integrated that we forget how special that something is. Whether that’s an opportunity to have parents that can afford an amazing high school so that you can get every bit of education you need to get into a good college, or it is simply the fact that we wake up in the morning and we can walk to our closet and have clothes, we all have something in our lives we should be grateful for. So you know what would be cool???? Lol take a little bit of time to just say “Thank You†to someone or something that you are grateful. For me that is my parents, for well everything lol, and to MIT, for truly being my heaven on Earth. P.S. Saying thank you to MIT as a whole is a little bit harder than I thought…. Kind of just went up to a wall and was just like “thanks bro†*fist bump* (regrets punching wall immediately). Now for picutres of how beatuiful this place is: Thanks MIT The secret roof library not that secret but I didnt know it existed How can you look over the charles river and just not be happy
Tuesday, June 9, 2020
Learn from the First Moon Landing Avoid Using Technical Details in Your MBA Essays
The new movie, Hidden Figures, rightly shines light on the roles played by the mathematicians who helped the United States catch up to Russia in the Space Race and eventually land on the moon in 1969. This accomplishment was politically significant at that time as it was a show of technological prowess between the bitter Cold War rivals. â€Å"One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.†Most of us are familiar with this quote and can still hear the words clearly in our heads. We can also vividly recall astronaut Neil Armstrong taking his first steps on the moon and planting an American flag. These iconic words and images are what the general public recalls of this event, and what inspires young kids growing up today to dream of becoming astronauts or scientists. The breakthrough mathematical, technological, and research milestones that were necessary to reach this point, however, are only recalled by a limited audience (even though they created the foundation for this defining moment). Just like the mathematical accomplishments highlighted in Hidden Figures were long forgotten by society, technical details that you mention in your business school essays may be hard for the Admissions Committee of your dream school to grasp. Lets examine two key ways you can avoid this problem: Create interest with highlights that appeal to the senses. Applicants from technical fields are often so immersed in their specializations that industry jargon litter their essays; they forget to write these terms with context that non-industry readers will be able to appreciate. One way to avoid this issue is to quantify this technical language in terms of monetary equivalents (e.g. dollar amounts), percentages or ranks to show scale of responsibilities and accomplishments. However, making the leap towards using imagery in your writing that complements these achievements will make your essays even more powerful. Always use the opportunity your MBA essays give you to show how your work has impacted other people. For instance, you can share how your accomplishments in the workplace have helped people learn new skills, save time, or be safer, rather than simply listing your technical day to day activities. Make your story more relatable by sharing your relationships. No matter what blockbuster movie you see whether it’s about an inter-galaxy war or an animated underwater adventure interpersonal relationships always drive the story. Even historical accounts of world events or biographies take cinematic license to play up personal aspects of the protagonists’ life stories. Thus, when you write your essays, be aware that mentioning relationships is one way to make your stories come to life. Readers are interested in humans, so detailing relationships you have made while in the workplace will help your profile become more relatable and display empathy towards others. This can be done by describing the way you have handled challenges on projects or how you have collaborated with others towards shared accomplishments these stories should not be ignored. Rather than utilizing all the essay space you are given for the financial details of the deal you executed or the legal intricacies of the contract you negotiated, make sure you share how you grew from these experiences. You could also include the lessons learned and how these experiences have helped you become a better leader, or simply a better person. Follow these tips and your MBA application essay will become a more compelling and relatable piece to read. Applying to business school? Call us at 1-800-925-7737 and speak with an MBA admissions expert today, or take our free MBA Admissions Profile Evaluation for personalized advice for your unique application situation! And as always, be sure to find us on Facebook, YouTube, Google+ and Twitter. Written by Edison Cu, a Veritas Prep Head Consultant for INSEAD. You can read more articles by him here.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Is Stalking A Crime - 1806 Words
Stalking has been around since the beginning of time. What is today called stalking was described with different terms in the past. Early 20th century’s psychiatrists, referred to the term stalking as ‘’erotomania’’ which was used to define women’s delusional belief of being loved by a man of a higher social class or social esteem. In the 1980’s, stalking was linked with rather obsession and ‘’psychological rape’’ as problems in relationships, instead of mental illness or as crime. Following the harassment and in some cases death of famous people by fans, the term ‘’star stalking’’ was introduced and California passed the nation’s first anti-stalking statute in 1990, making stalking a crime in itself. Nowadays, this erotomanic type of delusional disorder has been classified in DSM-IV of the American Psychiatric Association, 1994. There is no general agreement regarding the exa ct definition of stalking. A certain amount of emphasis has been placed on the particular degree to which evolves into a subjective sense of threat. In 1998, Meloy defined the act of stalking as an intrusive behavior possibly leading to harassment as a threat, originated from a behavioral pattern and resulted in a feeling of distress or fear for the victim. In 1998 Westrup, proposed a further definition suggesting that is a number of behaviors that are directed towards a specific individual, are experienced by the target as intrusive or unwanted, subsequently triggering fear or concern to theShow MoreRelated The Crime of Stalking Essay2227 Words  | 9 PagesThe Crime of Stalking Stalking has been around since the beginning of time. Men and women alike have been accused of such a crime cause they either cant get it out of their head that the other person does not want to have anything to do with them, or they are just obsessed with a stranger. It is just recent that they United States Government have decided to make stalking a crime in it self. This type of crime was labeled as harassment, annoyance, or domestic violence. It wasn?t until the 80sRead MoreCyber Stalking Is An Actionable Crime1370 Words  | 6 PagesCyber stalking is an actionable crime as defined in 18 USC Section 875, a federal law on interstate communications, and it reads: (a) Whoever transmits in interstate or foreign commerce any communication containing any demand or request for a ransom or reward for the release of any kidnapped person, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both. (b) Whoever, with intent to extort from any person, firm, association, or corporation, any money or otherRead MoreCyber Stalking Crimes Are Being Committed Everyday1634 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction While cyber stalking crimes are being committed everyday there are officers who are highly trained in this area, and wants everyone else to become highly familiar with the training material so that the world can be passed down from one investigation unit to the next. There will be quit a few topics covered in this training manual. Overview of the crime John is a 24yr old male who sits at home and play games online in a game chat room on a site called moco space. John is also onRead MoreThe New Emerging Crime : Cyberstalking Or Tech Enhanced Stalking1662 Words  | 7 PagesThe new emerging crime known as cyberstalking or tech enhanced stalking is sweeping the twenty-first century. The term cyberstalking is any form of unwanted communication across the Internet including texting and social media. The fact is that the problem of cyberstalking is rapidly growing in this technology dependent society. The problem with cyberstalking is the lack of international law against cyberstalking making it hard to convict or even charge offenders with these crimes. Additionally isRead MoreStalking Of America And The Us Court System1306 Words  | 6 Pages Stalking in America and The US Court Systems Angela J. Townsend Ashford University February 4, 2017 STALKING IN AMERICA AND THE US COURT SYSTEM Stalking is a national epidemic. Across the country millions of Americans are stalked each year. They are followed without relief everywhere they go–to work, to school, to the shopping mall, to the doctor’s office, to their homeâ€â€until they no longer feel safe anywhere. The first stalking laws were defined by the state of ClaiforniaRead MorePersuasive Essay On Stalking1295 Words  | 6 Pagesbeing stalked? Stalking by definition is to harass or persecute (someone) with unwanted and or obsessive attention. It has become a serious but relatively new problem within the United States. There are actually more than one way to stalk someone but what happens when this occurs? I think that stalking has been taken too lightly in this nation and we need to start implicating stronger laws and educating people on the issue of stalking and how it can be prevented. Although stalking laws are relativelyRead MoreCrimes Against People Essay1281 Words  | 6 PagesCrimes Against People May 26, 2011 Crimes Against People Crimes that are committed against a person produce a material risk that an offender will threaten body injury or actually use physical force on a person. These crimes are compiled of, but not limited to, offenses such as murder, manslaughter, battery, and assault. Although stalking is considered a crime against a person, it does not require the threat or use of physical force. I will provide you with a more detailed overview of theRead MoreRoutine Activity And Situational Crime Prevention Theory1082 Words  | 5 PagesRoutine activity theory states that for a crime to be committed, three important factors need to be present including: a motivated offender, an accessible target, and the absence of a capable guardian against a violation. Marcus Felson and Lawrence E. Cohen introduced the routine activity theory in 1979, where they believed that an individual who has these three characteristics gives them a greater possibility of committing a crime. Moreover, situational crime prev ention is known as strategies of waysRead MoreSexual Violence, And Stranger Violence1056 Words  | 5 Pagestraining we will discuss three scenarios dealing with stalking, intimate violence, and stranger violence. This training will help us determine the definition and how to deal with these areas of crime. The scenarios may or may not show how 3 areas are separate and/or combined. This training will have questions and answers that are able to be easily used as helpful guides for the trainees. Each scenario discussed will highlight stalking. Stalking creates a psychological prison that deprives its victimsRead MoreMcp Proposal1292 Words  | 6 Pagessupport Maine communities in their efforts to develop and strengthen effective law enforcement and prosecution strategies to respond to violent crimes against women and to develop and strengthen victim services in cases involving violent crimes against women. Violence against women crimes includes sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking. Eligible applicants are state and units oflocal government; Indian tribal govemments; courts, tribal courts and the Administrative Office of
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Alfred University Acceptance Rate, SAT/ACT Scores, GPA
Alfred University is a private university with an acceptance rate of 63%. Located in Western New York, Alfred University has the feel of a small liberal arts college but the breadth of a comprehensive university. Alfred was awarded a chapter of Phi Beta Kappa for excellence in liberal arts and sciences. The university also has schools of business, graduate psychology, engineering, and art and design. Alfred is found on lists of top equestrian studies programs as well as top ranked arts programs. Academics are supported by a healthy 13-to-1 student / faculty ratio. Coeducational since its founding in 1836, Alfred was the second college in the country to educate men and women equally. In athletics, the AU Saxons compete in the NCAA Division III Empire 8 Athletic Conference. Considering applying to Alfred University? Here are the admissions statistics you should know, including average SAT/ACT scores and GPAs of admitted students. Acceptance Rate During the 2017-18 admissions cycle, Alfred University had an acceptance rate of 63%. This means that for every 100 students who applied, 63 students were admitted, making Alfreds admissions process competitive. Admissions Statistics (2017-18) Number of Applicants 4,296 Percent Admitted 63% Percent Admitted Who Enrolled (Yield) 16% SAT Scores and Requirements Alfred University requires that all applicants submit either SAT or ACT scores. During the 2017-18 admissions cycle, 89% of admitted students submitted SAT scores. SAT Range (Admitted Students) Section 25th Percentile 75th Percentile ERW 480 590 Math 490 610 ERW=Evidence-Based Reading and Writing This admissions data tells us that most of Alfreds admitted students fall within the bottom 29% nationally on the SAT. For the evidence-based reading and writing section, 50% of students admitted to Alfred scored between 480 and 590, while 25% scored below 480 and 25% scored above 590. On the math section, 50% of admitted students scored between 490 and 610, while 25% scored below 490 and 25% scored above 610. Applicants with a composite SAT score of 1200 or higher will have particularly competitive chances at Alfred University. Requirements Alfred does not require the SAT writing section. Note that Alfred participates in the scorechoice program, which means that the admissions office will consider your highest score from each individual section across all SAT test dates. ACT Scores and Requirements Alfred requires that all applicants submit either SAT or ACT scores. During the 2017-18 admissions cycle, 23% of admitted students submitted ACT scores. ACT Range (Admitted Students) Section 25th Percentile 75th Percentile English 18 26 Math 18 27 Composite 20 27 This admissions data tells us that most of Alfreds admitted students fall within the top 48% nationally on the ACT. The middle 50% of students admitted to Alfred received a composite ACT score between 20 and 27, while 25% scored above 27 and 25% scored below 20. Requirements Note that Alfred does not superscore ACT results; your highest composite ACT score will be considered. Alfred University does not require the ACT writing section. GPA In 2018, the average high school GPA of Alfred Universitys incoming freshmen class was 3.10, and 45% of the incoming class had average GPAs of 3.25 and above. These results suggest that most successful applicants to Alfred University have primarily B grades. Self-Reported GPA/SAT/ACT Graph Alfred University Applicants Self-Reported GPA/SAT/ACT Graph. Data courtesy of Cappex. The admissions data in the graph is self-reported by applicants to Alfred University. GPAs are unweighted. Find out how you compare to accepted students, see the real-time graph, and calculate your chances of getting in with a free Cappex account. Admissions Chances Alfred University, which accepts fewer than two-thirds of applicants, has a selective admissions process. If your SAT/ACT scores and GPA fall within the schools average ranges, you have a strong chance of being accepted. However, Alfred also has a holistic admissions process involving other factors beyond your grades and test scores. A strong application essay and glowing letters of recommendation can strengthen your application, as can participation in meaningful extracurricular activities and a rigorous course schedule. While not required, Alfred recommends interviews for interested applicants. Students with particularly compelling stories or achievements can still receive serious consideration even if their grades and test scores are outside Alfred Universitys average range. Note that some programs at Alfred have additional admissions standards. Engineering students will need to demonstrate a higher level of math proficiency than general applicants, and art students will need to submit portfolios for admission. In the graph above, the blue and green dots represent accepted students. Most had SAT scores of 1000 or higher (ERW M), ACT composite scores of 20 or higher, and high school averages in the B range or higher. Students with above average grades and test scores may qualify for the universitys Honors Program. If You Like Alfred University, You May Also Like These Schools: Ithaca CollegeDrexel UniversitySUNY College at GeneseoCornell UniversityHobart and William Smith CollegesBinghamton UniversityUniversity of RochesterSyracuse University All admissions data has been sourced from the National Center for Education Statistics and Alfred University Undergraduate Admissions Office.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Cloud Based Storage A Model Of Data Storage - 6901 Words
Introduction Cloud-based storage is a model of data storage in which the digital data is stored in logical pools. The physical storage would span multiple servers and locations. The physical environment is typically owned and managed by a hosting company. The Cloud-based storage will compute power, storage, and other resources by gaining access to a suite of elastic IT infrastructure services, as the business demands. With minimal cost and effort, the application can be moved to the cloud. Cloud-based storage help reduces capital expenses, minimize support and administrative costs, retain the performance, security, and have reliability requirements. Statement of problem There is an existing problem for enhancing and scaling storage of all the valuable digital assets for a digital comic company, which includes more than 90000 digital comic book titles, book covers, series images and all pages of the digital books. These assets are part of the company’s core website, and sales and content delivery include the majority of the enterprise’s business. The problem revolves around the existing NFS (Network File Storage) having small local storage capacity and causes congestion downtimes for users. All the digital content from these publishers need to be migrated to the new cloud storage system. The DC digital comic book company has huge business expansion plans. There are plans to get affiliated with many top publishers and serve the digital book content.Show MoreRelatedInformation Technology And Cloud Storage1258 Words  | 6 Pages Abstract A significantly large amounts of valuable data is generated daily. This data overflow requires large storage space; therefore, the use of cloud storage is necessary for facilitating today’s big storage demands. Cloud storage allows consumers to remotely store their information in a cloud computing environment without having to managing local hardware and software. In spite of the numerous benefits of moving to cloud storage, the development of the service certainly increases security risksRead MorePublic Auditing Cloud Computing For Privacy Preserving Essay1741 Words  | 7 PagesAuditing in Cloud Computing for Privacy Preserving Babita Baghat (Computer Engineering) Dhanashri Patil (Computer Engineering) Abstract - Cloud Computing is huge computing, it is the internet based computing, where all users can remotely store their data into the cloud so as to enjoy the latest and high quality applications and services. In outsourcing data, users can be relieved from the burden of local maintenance and data storage .Thus, enabling public auditability for cloud data storage securityRead MoreCloud And Cloud Of Cloud1525 Words  | 7 PagesOperating System Nov. 21, 2014 Cloud Computing Introduction: â€Å"Cloud†is an expression that people have recently been interesting in and wondering about. Many people actually have been using â€Å"Cloud†without understanding the real meaning of Cloud. They just know that Cloud is a storage where they can store their files and data safely without the need of having a huge capacity hard drive or memory in their computers. Furthermore, they believe that their files and data are safe there. The question isRead MoreBenefits Of Cloud Storage1212 Words  | 5 Pages Everyone is going to the â€Å"cloud†for storage, but what exactly does that mean? Where is the cloud and is it secure? What are the benefits of storing data on the Cloud? The National Institute of Standards and Technology describes cloud storage as a model for enabling ubiquitous, on-demand network access to a shared configurable computing resources that can be swiftly accessed and released with minimal effort or service provider collaboration. It is comprised of a collection of hardware andRead MoreA Brief Note On The Major Cloud Service Providers1273 Words  | 6 Pagesfour major cloud service providers. They are Amazon Web Services, ATT Private Cloud, Google cloud, and CenturyLink cloud Amazon web services provides a highly reliable, scalable, low-cost infrastructure cloud that powers thousands of businesses in 190 countries around the world, with data centers in US, Europe, Singapore, Japan, and Australia. AWS offers both private and public cloud computing. ATT private cloud offer private cloud services to meet your business needs. It offers storage, networkingRead MoreDifferent Definitions For Cloud Computing Essay1264 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction There are many different definitions for cloud computing. The New Zealand government has adopted the National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST) definition that defines cloud computing as: â€Å"A model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g. networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interactionRead MoreGoogle Cloud Platform Is A Collection Of Cloud Computing Products By Google Essay1597 Words  | 7 Pages OVERVIEW Google Cloud Platform is a collection of cloud computing products by Google. It offers hosting on the same supporting infrastructure that Google uses internally for end-user products like Google Search and YouTube. The Platform provided to us by Google Cloud helps us to build, test and deploy applications on Google’s big infrastructure. We can choose from a wide range of services provided by google like computing, storage and application services for our web, backend and mobile solutionsRead MoreCloud Computing And Its Impact On The Business Environment1480 Words  | 6 PagesIt is the growing acceptance of innovative technologies that s seen â€Å"cloud computing†becomes the biggest buzzword from department of IT (Information Technology). Cloud computing research signifies essentially the most important to effective tendencies in the progress, in addition to supervision of tasks and enhancing protection from it in the business environment. Cloud computing is giving organizations a chance to access the actual calculating means that could be offered and obtained at anytimeRead MoreResearch Paper On Cloud Storage1091 Words  | 5 PagesCLOUD COMPUTING ARCHITECTURE Research on Cloud Data Storage Technology and Its Architecture Implementation by Kun Liua, Long-jiang Dong Cloud storage can be simply understood as the storage in cloud computing, and also can be considered to be a cloud computing system equipped with large capacity storage. Accessing files is a WebOS--eyeOS Hadoop Data Nodes Clients Client Chunk server â‘ ¥ Data C4 C1 Client †¦ †¦ â‘ ¡ Chunk Handle â‘ ¤ Chunk Handle C0 C2 C3 Chunk serve r2 C4 C2 Chunk server M C0, C1 C2 C3Read MoreThe Benefits Of Using Cloud Computing1630 Words  | 7 PagesUsing Cloud Computing Abstract Cloud computing is a technology trend which is enabling and driving new markets in technology. Cloud computing refers to the idea of delivering personal (email, word processing, presentations, etc.) and business productivity applications (sales force automation, customer service, accounting, etc.) from centralized servers that share resources like storage, processing and bandwidth more efficiently by a cost factor of at least 5-10x. Cloud computing
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Discrimination Against Blacks Or Races Of Darker Skin Tones
In other words, discrimination against blacks or races of darker skin tones is a learned behavior from an early age and results in the ignorance of thinking anyone with skin of a darker tone is unwanted in society. Over generations, it is clear to see that society portrays people with darker skin tones to have negative images which leads to low self-esteem. Low self-esteem then leads to social skills being hindered due to the fact that an individual feels insufficient or senses they are viewed as a threat. Social anxiety, depression and the loneliness have all been linked mental health issues that derive from perceived social exclusion due to race. These social exclusions are introduced in institutional settings and is not a result of†¦show more content†¦More often than not, what is given is not an adequate system made for the success of these minority individuals. Deficiency of equal opportunity in institutional settings has been linked to perpetuate the circumstances of f eeling inferior. An inferiority complex is then developed, stemming from feeling a lack of self-worth, and being doubtful or uncertain that an individual does not measure up to standards. The foil of an inferiority complex is outlined as a â€Å"superiority complex†which is defined as a psychological defense mechanism that conceals feelings of inferiority by acting superior. The unconscious emotional processes disrupt the person’s ability of cognitive learning and overwhelms their mindsets of being incompetent. Physical health of a person has been linked to be directly impacted by racism and discrimination. Residents of highly segregated neighborhoods have less access to a range of services provided to them in that city. These services include, health clinics for regular check ups, good quality grocery stores for fresh meat and produce, and parks or facilities for recreational use and exercise. â€Å"African Americans (or blacks) have an overall death rate that is 1.6 times higher than that of the white population. Elevated mortality rates for the black compared to the white population exists for eight of the ten leading causes of death†(Williams 180). The top three leading causes
Essay on El Nino and Global Warming - 1020 Words
El Nino and Global Warming El Nino has been known to wreak havoc al around the world, from Australia to Africa to the United States of America, and despite its approximate regularity, it is still not possible to predict exactly when it will appear or how much damage will be caused. Meteorologists discovered in the late 19th century that El Nino weather events appeared to be occurring approximately every ten to fifteen years but in the late 19th century this gradually changed to a strong pulse of about three years by the early 20th century, at the same time it had been noted that the temperature was rising above the average. This was a gradual change until 1976 where changes were occurring, the El†¦show more content†¦An analysis of the coral showed that the length of the cycle changes with the normal average climate, as the corals growth spurts were higher when the records from previous years matched with those of previous El Nino events. California saw the political leader; Vice President Al Gore suggesting that the effect of global warming may be increasing the likelihood of an El Nino weather event. He based his theory around a scientific prediction that the winter of 2002 was going to be the worst within the past decade, the last extreme winter was recorded in 1982-83 when the country was invaded by floods, heavy snow and drought. In a speech he made he said that El Nino events were becoming more common and the gradual increase in global warming was creating a build up of pollutant gases in the atmosphere making it harder for the air wasn’t able to circulate as easily so the winds were forced by the increased air pressure to take an alternate route. This idea however was dismissed as being more political rather than environmental as people felt Gore was following the awareness of concerns over global warming by President Clintons campaign. The campaign was created to help get worldwide negotiations on ho w to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, Gore believed this campaign would be a step towardsShow MoreRelatedGlobal Warming As Causes Of El Nino Southern Oscillation Phenomena2540 Words  | 11 Pagesâ€Æ' ESSAY PLAN Global Warming As Causes Of El Nino-Southern Oscillation Phenomena The advancements in various sectors in the life of human beings, which often exploit natural resources without control, directly or indirectly lead to changes in the environment sustained effect unconsciously towards the emergence of a disaster. The other thing is the changes of natural phenomena that occur periodically turned into irregular and even a negative effect on habitat and human life. People unrealizedRead More El Nino: Past, Present, and Future Essay example1296 Words  | 6 PagesEl Nino: Past, Present, and Future El Nino is both an atmospheric and oceanic phenomenon affecting weather patterns all around the world. It is complemented by La Nina in a cycle that occurs approximately every 4 years, varying as much as every two years to every six years (Wang 1999, 3331). La Nina has almost the opposite effect, however differs in its strength and duration randomly, as does El Nino (Fedorov 2000, 1998). The cycle is often paraphrased as ENSO, standing for El Nino-Southern OscillationRead MoreThe Effects Of Climate Change On The Earth1358 Words  | 6 Pagesrages as you begin to seize. You have Malaria but live in Europe. Climate change is classed as any alteration in global weather patterns over a period of time. However the climate change the earth is currently experiencing is far from anything ever experienced before and its 99% certain that it has been caused by human industrialisation. Like anything that affects the earth on a global scale it affects everything including microorganisms and th erefore disease. Climate change is causing disease toRead MoreThe Problem Of Climate Change1075 Words  | 5 Pagespass this wall (barrier) or not. I have my conclusion of why we will fail, it is because humans are selfish, hard headed, fool mined incompetent beings. Climate change is the barrier that we don t really have any research on. El ninos and la ninas are the cause. To know El Nià ±o, you need to know the intercoarse between the ocean and the atmosphere. Warm ocean surface water currents heats and adds moistness to the air above it, forming a low pressure system. Cool surface water cools the air above itRead MoreThe Effects Of Global Warming On The World868 Words  | 4 PagesDisputed Global Warming Affects Global Warming is in the minds of critical thinkers and scientist as well as the Industrial World. In this paper, we will look at man-made causes of Global Warming, and natural causes in Global Warming Affects. The man- made cause would be (GHC) which abbreviates to greenhouse gases and the chemical (SO2) represents sulfur dioxide from cars and Industry. The natural cause in the climate would direct more to a cooler climate. The Global Warming remains,augmented thatRead MoreThe Problem Of Global Warming1443 Words  | 6 Pagesstruggle such as the Syrian war. One reason why Syrians are engaged in a war is that they are experiencing extreme heat and drought which causes them to be more rebellious and aggressive. The underlying cause of these trouble can be due to global warming. Global warming occurs when carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases trap heat in Earth’s atmosphere because some of the sun’s ray cannot escape. It is a worldwide phenomenon that impacts each and every one of us because it cause irregular climate patternsRead MoreThe Impact Of ESNO Cycles975 Words  | 4 Pagescycles can potentially be linked to anthropogenic global warming (Kitchen, 2016). Dr. McPhaden with the NOAA and NASA scientists have been researching this issue and working on climate models. They have determined that there is significant probability that extreme El Nino events will double in the 21st century. Rather than extreme ESNO events occurring about every 20 years, they will occur every ten years. These extreme climatic events have global impacts and could have significant socio-economicRead MoreChanging Weather Patterns Of The United States1186 Words  | 5 Pagesincreasing in the Western United States because of the lack of rainfall, with global warming believed to be a major contributing factor. There have been many other rapidly changing weather patterns in the past few decades. The question is: Are humans responsible for these unusual weather patterns because of global warming? Scientists worldwide are trying to find the answer. Argument that Humans are to Blame for Global Warming: Pollutants from fossil fuels combined with increasing temperaturesRead MoreThe United States And Alaska1463 Words  | 6 PagesThe Western United States and Alaska were slammed with massive heat in 2014. Records were broke in North America and across every inhabited continent. The oceans were warmer except around most of Antarctica. Scientists say that the warming of the ocean is, ...providing the energy that fuel damaging Pacific storms.. Along with record breaking heat temperatures, the 2014 year passed 2010 for the warmest year. The top 10 warmest years have occured since 1997. The scientists say this is, a consequenceRead MoreCoral Bleaching Essay1019 Words  | 5 Pages Even a slight increase in ocean temperature, or increased CO2†¦ can cause stresses such as bleaching†¦ These stresses slow the rate of growth of the corrals†¦ With some 60 percent of the world’s coral reefs now losing productivity, it’s becoming a global crisis and a scientific mystery. Scientists have been trying to solve this scientific mystery by evaluating each environmental condition that may be a cause for coral reef bleaching. A number of explanations for coral bleaching have been proposed
Logistics Management of Business Operation
Question: Discuss about the Logistic Manangement. Answer: Introduction Logistic management is a very important part of supply chain management, which includes several processing such as planning controlling of the effective movement of the goods, reverse flow, services, goods storage, coordination between the origin the final destination (Dyckhoff, Lackes Reese, 2013). This assignment covers a brief detail of a Singapore based NTUC FairPrice Company. Moreover, it also tries to find the interface of few of the core sectors of the Company such as production, accounting finance, marketing with the logistic part of the market. Further, it also covers an analysis of the current order processing system of the Company. The management of inventory is also the part of this assignment. A brief about the NTUC FairPrice NTUC FairPrice is the largest super market chain of the Singapore that operates through 100 of its supermarket chain across the island. It was first established in the year 1973 as NTUC Welcome Supermarket in Toa Payoh to minimize the rising prices of oils and daily goods. One of the major changes that took place was the merging of NTUC Welcome with the SEC to give birth to a large cooperative Limited known as NTUC FairPrice Co-Operative Limited. After the merging, the Company started its operation as a centralized distribution system to enhance the efficiency in the processing of goods to various stores. However, FairPrice then owned the system in the year 1998 to have the ownership of the distribution and the warehouse Company. In 2003, FairPrice came up with some new idea and opened up a new 13,000 square meter area for the distribution of fresh food (Talk, 2016). The refrigerated facility thus introduced in the system did enable the processing and distribution of fresh chilled p roducts to all the network chain. Moreover, the move was to increase the efficiency of the Company in supplying fresh chilled products to its different outlets to achieve a maximum customer satisfaction. The Company is the first of its kinds in the Singapore, which owns its fresh food distribution centre (About Us, 2017). Interfaces In regards to the organization considered as one of the largest shareholders in the retail market of Singapore, NTUC Fair Price Shop operates on a functional strategy of supply chain management. The operation of logistics and its efficiency can only be managed by virtue of the respective important aspects of the business operations. Strategic, operational and tactical are three of the major activities that determine the logistics management (Park, 2013). A full proof operational management includes the integration of the major areas of concern for NTUC Fair Price Shop which has initiated this e- business mode in quite recently. The procedures of supply chain and inventory management are in collaboration with three of the most significant factors in the process of the retail industry (Goh, 2015). The standard procedure for a proper logistics management composes of an appropriate distribution system, the network of information which can be either centralized or de-centralized and the decisions of inventory management. The distribution and operation of functions performed within a network of more than 130 outlets in the similar retail chain involves a number of functions that serves at least 1000,000 customers in a daily frame (Rushton, Croucher Baker, 2014). The core functional areas in which logistics serve as an interface have been defined in the manner of the following: Production: The production management of the the retail market entails a detailed structure. This structure includes the units of production which is determined by the demand and supply aspects of the market. The operations of the NTUC Singapore Free Price Shop deals in collaboration with the manufacturing unit which looks, allows and assigns the track of the product. In fact the proper engagement of the various products must be enclosed within the following outcome of the concerned product. The storage and identification of the prospective network and its configuration is ultimately the key for decoding the analysis of the products that are being retailed by the organization (Bottani et al., 2014). Finance and Accounting: In a large set up of about five different types of brands that regulate this retail giant in Singapore, a large amount of investment determines the functionality. (See, 2015). The estimation and accounting figures in a scenario of the FairPrice Finest, FairPrice Extra and not in any way different from the numbers of the following online store that has been involved form the year of 2016. In fact the logistics management depends on the factor of the appropriate numbers that helps in understanding the value and balances the accounting phenomenon in a retail set up (Liu, 2017). Marketing: The characteristic of proper marketing is one of the most important factors which help in enhancing the promotional procedures and strategies of NTUC Singapore Free Shop. This can be regarded as one of the chief points which ascertain the best of the resources (Talk, 2016). In fact the segmentation, targeting and positioning strategies of the various products which are involved in the retail market will evaluate this element and understand the techniques in this manner. All the three factors of the interface are interdependent on each other which have been observed in the cyclical manner (Kad?ubek Grabara, 2015). Order Cycle The prevalent system of order and transfer of the product from the manufacturer to the ultimate customer involves many processes. It undergoes a multiple number of methods through the interface of the order cycle that can be analyzed in arriving to a concrete decision. It runs on an objective of providing the customers a hassle free procedure, which will help in creating a better impression. The customer satisfaction in a retail scenario is one of the most significant factors in this process (de Carvalho Lima Jr, 2013). There is a sequence that follows the order and processing before it finally reaches to the payments. To put it in a simple form, order cycles can be described as the process through which order line proceeds. Order cycles consist of processing steps, such as, Enter in the line, Pick Release or Shipping Confirmation. Every cycle action must correspond to one result. For example, the results for the action Enter include the options Booked, Partial or Entered. The seque nce of order cycles can be customized based on the prerequisites that have been mentioned by customers. Once mentioned, it needs to be performed before proceeding to the next step. It is a very simple and organized technique. Therefore the format has been made with the help of the track records of the previous consumer and they it also follows a format that makes it more personal. The purchase and delivery procedures are effective largely, and it can further be enhanced in the future by recommendations and analysis from several market and economic experts. The customers are still the chief objective in a retail business. It has been regarded as one of the best providers of an assortment of products which aids in it its customer satisfaction and collaboration process with the business enthusiast (de Carvalho Lima Jr, 2013). Currently, the process that are involved after ordering a product from NTUC Fair Shop Singapore, is very efficient in the nature of determining how a product is managed, assorted and delivered in the hands of the consumer. Attending to customer satisfaction, in the process involves both the facilities of Cash-on-Delivery and Credit Card Payments that are involved in the operations of delivery. The basic aesthetic of delivering the product at the right place and at the right time keeps the allegiance to the brand which is maintained by NTUC FairPrice Shop (Kad?ubek Grabara, 2015). In spite of many stores that are spread all across Singapore, the introduction of the online store has facilitated the customer experience and management over the past one year. Since NTUC deals mainly with a range of fresh products that require the enterprise to deal with products from the wholesalers and farmers and organic products it must employs tools that will be effective in nature. The need for achieving efficiency in regards to inventory management and also the supply chain management includes the service and other process that pertain it. The processing and the application of the system within the similar forum are very necessary to comprehend the logistic theories and management of the NTUC Singapore Fair Price Shop (Talk, 2016). Inventory Management Inventory management is one of the most important features of any organizational operation (Bierwirth, 2012). Moreover, it is that branch of a management, which provides a controlling power to the Company on its various products and goods. An inventory consists of various products goods of the Company that it operates for in the target market. In this assignment, the Singapore based Company NTUC FairPrice is mainly a Company that has a wide range of super market chains in the country. However, the Company has enhanced its expertise by merging with the SEC Company to add another dimension in their operational features (Kappauf, Lauterbach Koch, 2012). Moreover, the Company has now its own distribution centre, which it has opened to increase its efficiency in distributing a fresh chilled products goods to the consumer. Two kinds of a management are included in the management of inventory for the NTUC FairPrice Company. The one mode of management is related to its own distribution c entre while the other mode is the adoption of SAP technology for their inventory management experts in the Company (Balakrishnan, 2013). Moreover, the merge with the SEC Company to have its own distribution centre to maintain the quality of goods is just an example of their management strategies. Moreover, the plan was to distribute only those goods that are fresh and chilled. However, Technology does play an important role in the maintenance of inventories for a Company of NTUC FairPrice kind. Nevertheless, the Company believes in incepting new technological dimensions to its operations to maintain a competitive edge in the market (de Carvalho Lima Jr, 2013). Moreover, adding new technologies to its operational management do also enable a more advanced management of the inventory. On a same note, the switching of the Company from the Oracle operation to the SAP technology does simply tells the story of their inventory management style. Nevertheless, to manage an inventory a technological platform is needed in the Company where the experts work on to maintain all the inventories (Kad?ubek Grabara, 2015). The inclusion of SAP as an IT partner in the Company speaks about its supreme thinking about the technology to manage its inventories. The inception of the SAP technology would lower down the operation point to a significant level, which would allow mana gement of inventories at the more efficient rates than ever before. IT is also helpful in lowering down the burden from the experts who are managing the inventories by providing a more sophisticated and user-friendly platform to them in the form of SAP (Kappauf, Lauterbach Koch, 2012). Recommendation The decision-making system model for logistics is very important from the market perspectives as it encourages taking decisions on complex issues. Moreover, it also enables the researcher in recommending a point to the NTUC FairPrice Company, which has the largest super market chains in Singapore (Rushton, Croucher Baker, 2014). The point of recommendation is for the entrance of the Company into some other potential market such as India. Nevertheless, the expansion of its business to India might produce a resonant response in their favor, as it is one of the cultural hubs for shopping. Conclusion NTUC FairPrice is one of the most reputed Companies in Singapore, which is the largest company in the super market chains in Singapore. The operation style of the Company is commendable for the fact that it enhances its operation by making merge and partnerships with other companies. Moreover, it does so to enhance the quality of performance to meet with the customers requirement. The merge with the SEC Company in the year 1983 to have its own distribution centre simply tells the story of their management style. On a same note, the partnership tie with the ExxonMobil Company to open FairPrice Express was another very important move of the Company in the direction of their logistic management strategies. The partnership was done to introduce its products at the ExxonMobil centers, which could provide an enhanced exposure to the products of the Company. Moreover, the strategy to enhance its business operations by adding new dimensions to its product line and supporting the business ope ration with the help of advanced technologies such as Oracle and SAP simply speak about their measurable approaches. Reference About Us. (2017). [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 Feb. 2017]. Balakrishnan, N. (2013).Handbook of the logistic distribution. CRC Press. Bierwirth, C. (2012).Adaptive search and the management of logistic systems: Base models for learning agents(Vol. 11). Springer Science Business Media. Bottani, E., Ferretti, G., Montanari, R., Rinaldi, M. (2014). Analysis and optimisation of inventory management policies for perishable food products: a simulation study.International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling 11,9(1-2), 16-32. de Carvalho, C. C., Lima Jr, O. F. (2013). Efficient logistic platform design: the case of Campinas Platform. de Souza, R., Goh, M., Lau, H. C., Ng, W. S., Tan, P. S. (2014). Collaborative urban logisticssynchronizing the last mile a Singapore research perspective.Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences,125, 422-431. Dyckhoff, H., Lackes, R., Reese, J. (Eds.). (2013).Supply chain management and reverse logistics. Springer Science Business Media. Goh, M. (2015). Urban Logistics in Asia. InTA-Q-BIN(pp. 3-22). Springer Singapore. Kad?ubek, M., Grabara, J. (2015). Customers' expectations and experiences within chosen aspects of logistic customer service quality.International Journal for Quality Research,9(2), 265-278. Kappauf, J., Lauterbach, B., Koch, M. (2012).Logistic Core Operations with SAP: Inventory Management, Warehousing, Transportation, and Compliance. Springer Science Business Media. Liu, L. (2017). Research on the Causes and Countermeasures of the Price Dispersion of Online Retail Commodity. InProceedings of the Fourth International Forum on Decision Sciences(pp. 747-760). Springer, Singapore. Park, S. E. (2013).Consumer surplus moderated price competition. Technical report, University of California, Berkeley. Rushton, A., Croucher, P., Baker, P. (2014).The handbook of logistics and distribution management: Understanding the supply chain. Kogan Page Publishers. See, A. W. (2015). Understanding an Option to Renew a Lease: AREIF (Singapore I) Pte Ltd v NTUC Fairprice Co-operative Ltd [2015] SGHC 28. Talk, O. M. (2016). Operations management.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Mental Health Care Facilities
Question: Discuss about the Mental Health Care Facilities. Answer: Introduction: High rate of suicide among men over 75 years of age is a major public health problem in Australia and in many parts of the world. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics the highest number of suicides in 2013 were recorded for men over 85 years of age. The number was 36.7 per 100,000 in 2012 ("Elderly men three times more likely to die by suicide", 2014). As the average life expectancy increases, the elderly population of Australia is also growing. Several studies have tried to study the causes associated with the problem of suicide, however there are fewer studies that target the elderly population. Bringing about a deliberate end to one's life has been defined as suicide (Nagaratnam, Nagaratnam, Cheuk, 2011). Psychosocial and medical factors are the most likely reasons for suicide in men over 85 years. The principal reason for ending life among the aged men is functional disability. Specific conditions may also trigger suicidal tendencies and these could include malignanc y, liver disease, male genital diseases, neurological disorders, pain and arthritis. Strategies for prevention of causes that lead to suicide include treatment of mental health problems among the elderly. Social causes of suicide can be addressed by providing support to those elderly men who live alone in the community, or are residents of aged health care homes. Several interventions have been tried to solve the problem of social isolation of the elderly, but most have not been found to be effective (Findlay, 2003). Reduced mobility and chronic ailments make moving out of the residence difficult for the aged. In a survey on Australian men who have contemplated suicide, 67% men said they wish they could have communicated with someone they could trust and respect. Participants were men above the age of 18 years and they did not take the extreme step because 67% of them feared the impact it would have on the lives of their families (Shand et al., 2015). There was no correlation between smoking in men with mental health issues and their tendency to commit suicide in a survey conducted on 1812 Australian men who suffered from depression or psychosis (Sankaranarayanan, Mancuso and Castle, 2014). Depression is a major cause of suicide in elderly men and they are less likely to share suicidal thoughts with others. Prevention of suicides by treating depression can be an effective strategy. Another study made a comparison between suicides in eight age bands between 60 and 99 years of age. Families and social support from friends and younger members of the family, attitudes of younger people towards the elderly and whether they can take part in the day to day activities are factors that determine the overall quality of life of elderly people. Feelings of isolation from the family or society cause the elderly to neglect to eat, induces poor living, indulgence in substance abuse and even suicide. The issues that the elderly confront are complex. These are slowly being understood and experts recommend including suicide prevention programs as part of the care delivered in old age homes. The stress of moving from home setting to an aged care home induced by relocation should be taken care of while providing care to the aged. It is recommended to families that they continue to engage the elderly living alone or in care institutions so that they feel included in the family and feelings of isolation do not disturb them. Bereavement causes depression in old age and could be due to loss of a friend or a spouse. Physical inabilities reduce mobility and this causes social isolation. Others may face acute illness and may feel lonely and depressed. Dealing with a retired life is difficult and some men find it difficult to remain engaged in the community. About 10-20% people over the age of 65 years can suffer from depression. Mental health issues in old age stem either from depression or dementia. More access to age-appropriate mental health care facilities is required for the vulnerable among the elderly because many times treatment by general practitioners may not be enough. The understanding of how cognitive behaviour therapy and medications can be effective for this age group needs to be understood by the practitioners. Experts have recognized that the need of the hour in preventing suicides by the elderly is highly specialised old age psychiatric services. ("Elderly men three times more likely to die by suicide", 2014). Treatment of depression usually involves administration of serotonin-uptake inhibitors which could be either tricyclic antidepressants or monoamine oxidase inhibitors (Kokoung, Cavenett, McArthur, Aromtaris, 2015). Another aspect to think about is each individual's ability to cope with the set of circumstances that old people find themselves in. There is a considerable difference in how the course of a person's journey in earlier life impacts the risk of suicide in late life. Whether the person has had a difficult childhood, an individual's innate personality, trauma that may have been suffered in life, whether a person has had issues related to substance abuse have a bearing on how the challenges of old age are faced. It is important to understand that contrary to what some people believe, it is not right to think that it is alright for the aged to be depressed. Well adjusted aged people have a matured outlook towards life due to experience and they suffer a lesser impact of incidents that might the people younger in age quite perturbed. Their position as patriarchs and matriarchs in society is due to this age-related wisdom and attitude. Prevention of suicides in the elderly is of utmost impo rtance. The thin line that divides euthanasia and suicide does not in any way mean that old people can take the route of suicide in countries where euthanasia is illegal. Work on prevention needs to tackle the triggers of suicidal thought, whether the reasons are psychological or social in nature. Countries that have legalised euthanasia still have a considerably high number of cases of suicides in men aged over 75 years (Draper, 2014). Social and/or psychiatric causes of suicide in the elderly are problems that have solutions. To dismiss these problems as a natural course during old age is rather partisan. In the UK, the Campaign to end loneliness has worked and reduced the number of suicides among the elderly. They have been able to find a solution to the problem of loneliness that can drive a person to despair and adopt the drastic measure of suicide. Old, hapless and widowed, men at an advanced age may have been cared for by their wives and may have relied on her for making social contacts and ties earlier (Horin, 2015). With no one by their side and lacking in social skills, the men folk are left desolate. Development of a hobby that can help time to fly could make life that much more purposeful and drives away suicidal thoughts (Innamorati et al., 2014). The rate at which the suicides have been reported have raised concerns over the manner in which suicides among the elderly have been the result of lacunae in framing policy, poor representation in the media and faults in the planning of service delivery that has failed to prevent at least some of the deaths. Depression should not be considered normal among the aged by clinicians and thus warning signs should not be missed when treating the elderly. Poor social support and unaddressed problems of anxiety and depression have also been the main reasons for an increase in the problem of suicides induced by depression (Magarey, 2015). Deprivation of social connect occurs because a person needs to be cared about by other people, when this need remains unmet, a person may begin to desire death. Some individuals perceive themselves as a burden on others because their care needs have increased and they begin to feel that it is alright for them to die. Taken together, unmet social needs and the feeling of having become a burden on the carers can trigger a desire for death (Fassberg et al., 2012). Seeking help for problems related to mental distress is perceived by men as a sign of weakness and they tend to deal with their complex emotional needs on their own. More often elderly men do not have information about support services that they can access and at times they might doubt the usefulness of the support services (Beaton Forster, 2012). Several strategies for suicide prevention among the elderly may be employed. Improvement in resilience through counselling, introducing the concept of positive ageing, keeping the family members engaged in the well-being of the elderly and the use of telecom technology to keep in touch with the aged can play a significant role in prevention. If suicidal tendencies are identified by doctors, means restriction and education can be used to deter the aged from suicide (Lapierre et al., 2011). Prevention can be effective when society treats the elderly with respect, dignity and, compassion. In most cases, the person who is contemplating suicide gives out signals to people around them. Once such a communication is received, it should be reported to the general physician. Gaps in the training of personnel responsible for monitoring the mental health of the aged need to be removed. Management of mood disorders can be treated as the primary method of suicide prevention among older men (Podgor ski, Langford, Pearson, Conwell, 2010). For each case of suicide, it is likely that there have been 20 attempts at committing suicide (WHO, 2016). References Beaton, S., P., F. (2012). Insights into Men's Suicides. InPsych, 34(4). Retrieved from Draper, B. (2014). Suicidal behaviour and suicide prevention in later life.Maturitas,79(2), 179-183. Elderly men three times more likely to die by suicide. (2014). Retrieved 15 August 2016, from Fssberg, M., Orden, K., Duberstein, P., Erlangsen, A., Lapierre, S., Bodner, E. et al. (2012). A Systematic Review of Social Factors and Suicidal Behavior in Older Adulthood.International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health,9(12), 722-745. Findlay, R. (2003). Interventions to reduce social isolation amongst older people: where is the evidence?.Ageing And Society,23(05), 647-658. Horin, A. (2015, September 6). Why are older men committing suicide? Retrieved from Innamorati, M., Pompili, M., Di Vittorio, C., Baratta, S., Masotti, V., Badaracco, A. et al. (2014). Suicide in the Old Elderly: Results from One Italian County.The American Journal Of Geriatric Psychiatry,22(11), 1158-1167. KoKoAung, E., Cavenett, S., McArthur, A., Aromataris, E. (2015). The association between suicidality and treatment with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in older people with major depression: a systematic review.JBI Database Of Systematic Reviews And Implementation Reports,13(3), 174-205. Lapierre, S., Erlangsen, A., Waern, M., De Leo, D., Oyama, H., Scocco, P. et al. (2011). A Systematic Review of Elderly Suicide Prevention Programs.Crisis,32(2), 88-98. Magarey, J. (2015, August 24). /ageism-to-blame-for-elderly-mens-suicide-rate-experts-warn/news-story/. Retrieved from Nagaratnam, N., Nagaratnam, K., Cheuk, G. (2011).Diseases in the elderly. Springer. Podgorski, C., Langford, L., Pearson, J., Conwell, Y. (2010). Suicide Prevention for Older Adults in Residential Communities: Implications for Policy and Practice.PloS Med,7(5), e1000254. Sankaranarayanan, A., Mancuso, S., Castle, D. (2014). Smoking and suicidality in patients with a psychotic disorder.Psychiatry Research,215(3), 634-640. Sankaranarayanan, A., Mancuso, S., Wilding, H., Ghuloum, S., Castle, D. (2015). Smoking, Suicidality and Psychosis: A Systematic Meta-Analysis.PLOS ONE,10(9), e0138147. Shand, F., Proudfoot, J., Player, M., Fogarty, A., Whittle, E., Wilhelm, K. et al. (2015). What might interrupt men's suicide? Results from an online survey of men.BMJ Open,5(10), e008172. WHO. (2016). /suicide-prevention/attempts_surveillance_systems/en/. Retrieved from
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
How To Find Hot Research Paper Topics
How To Find Hot Research Paper TopicsThere are quite a few ways in which you can approach the issue of finding hot research paper topics. One of the easier ways to do this is to simply start with the areas that you have an interest in. The reason for this is that it will make your mind think in a particular way so that you can come up with a better topic.Another option is to use internet searches. This is something that you will need to do if you want to take advantage of as many different websites and sources as possible. The reason for this is that they have a lot of different websites on the internet that can provide you with the different topics you will need. However, one of the biggest advantages of using the internet is that you can search for any topic you wish with ease.You may also be able to find free online research paper topics that can help you get started with this task. However, if you want to ensure that the articles you write are going to have the proper amount of q uality then you need to pay attention to what you find online. In other words, you need to do what it takes to be sure that the material you are using is not the same material used by someone else.There are plenty of research paper topics that you can turn to when you are starting out in this process. Some of the best of these topics are ones that are not too technical but still do provide you with enough information to prove that you are an interesting writer. For example, you can turn to a topic about topics related to hobbies or you can opt for a topic that deals with human behavior.Of course, there are going to be a lot of different research paper topics that you can use. The problem with this is that it is harder to do. However, you should not worry because you will still be able to come up with a very good piece of writing.In addition to this, the internet is a great way to find topics that will give you a break from some of the more traditional topics. You can also turn to th ese topics when you are trying to increase your knowledge on a particular subject. This means that you can keep yourself up to date on a topic without having to spend all of your time researching this topic.It is also important to realize that the more time you spend looking for different research paper topics, the more it will help you write a well written article. This will be true even if you use different sites and websites. By using the internet in this manner, you will be able to learn about a wide variety of topics that you may have never even considered otherwise.When you are trying to find hot research paper topics, it is important to remember that there are so many different places where you can find them. This is especially true when you turn to the internet. You should not worry about any of this as long as you stick to the subject that you have chosen to write about.
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