Monday, November 4, 2013


palaeolithic and neolithic CulturesThere were diverges that occurred from the palaeolithic Period to the NeolithicPeriod . Sm any changes were bother in this snip , from the culture , to bigger changes standardizedeconomics , and agriculture . How did globe deal with these changes and what kind ofimpact did it gestate on society The palaeolithic Period is the earliest clipping period human macrocosm has been live and thelongest of the rock music season s . It dates from 2 ,000 ,000 B .C to 10 ,000 BC The people of thePaleolithic Period lived simple lives , which consisted earlier of survival . homo s actionwas simply to hunt , eat , and croak , while the cleaning woman s job was to gather and becharm overthe children . The people of the Paleolithic take in on were mostly nomads . To survive they hadto last ev erywhere , and follow the migration of animals as the animals were thereprimary food source . Whenever they fixed to stay , they lived mostly in caves , tree trunks , and those types of shelter . They had to eat , and to do that they had to kill theanimals . They did this by utilise tools as weapons . The tools were mainly rock-and-roll , bone , andivory . They could make the weapons into hatchets , knives , and spearheads . The utilise oftools is one important outgrowth that took taper in this time period The sr. Stone hop on (Paleolithic Age ) is also the step before in technology and piety . The people ofthis time ascertained how to control fire , and uptake it in their everyday unavoidably . These needsinclude , heat , protection , and planning . Scientists are still non sure whether people of thistime had religion like we do instantly , but artifacts show that they had a rough type ofreligionThe Neolithic Period extended from 10 ,000 B .C to 3 ,000 BC . It is also called theNew Stone Age , and umteen new a! dvances and changes took place in this time . is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
Unlike and accordinglyomadic life of the Old Stone Age , the New Stone Age was the dawning of colonized lifePeople lived more towards lakes and rivers instead of caves , and tree trunks . This led tothe change of the jobs of the societyUnlike Paleolithic times , man could have more vacant time to spend This ledhim to broaden the society he was aliment in and led to increased populations in theNeolithic Age . The more people there were the more discovery man make during thistime . The invention of agriculture led to the colonized life . Since man no longer needed toro am , all they had to do was tramp a seed in the constitute and watch it mount Tool andweaponry became more advanced , and pottery and the potters wheel was inventedThe societies of Paleolithic man were far different then that of the Neolithic manThe Old Stone Age societies had no time for other actives then what was necessary tosurvive . They did not invent some(prenominal) new things , and were invariably moving and changingtheir environment . Societies...If you want to get a proficient essay, order it on our website:

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