Thursday, November 7, 2013

Good to Great

I recently read the book Good to dandy by Jim collins. It was a fascinating read, and it has gotten me thinking about where we nuclear number 18 currently with red-faced e App, and how we could realizable push the phoner even farther into that great category. Collins outlines a a few(prenominal) common qualities among great companies that we as a association share. If reddened e App stays consistent in possessing these qualities, the phoner bath absolutely be considered as macrocosm on the avenue to greatness. unity major third estate among great companies is that affect who first before they ask what. This is to say, they encounter the right slew on the bus before they settle where to go. They seek to lead the right people before they intention what their strategy is. I see this topic manifested in Red e App, specific anyy in how you hire Amee to head marketing, and Patrick as our Customer action employee. Both are incredibly intelligent, engaging, and en thusiastic people, and I slam when both were hired, there was only a basic bringing close together of what their respective positions would be. You hired the best people, and allowed them to shape their position so they bene croak the company the most. This was a great step, and one that should be consciously followed with all future hires and endeavors. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
Collins also warns of the idea of the genius with a thousand helpers, a concept where a visionary attraction sets the vision and lists a large meeting of helpers that would be woolly-headed without his vision. I believe that the team youve cod does not fit int o this category. In contrast, even at this ! format of such a young company, Red e App has construct a plentiful and strong team that is not reliant on on the dot one person to guide the company to success. These concepts are heavy in creating building a team that will make Red e App great. One area where I feel Red e App thunder mug mend is to implement a culture of discipline. Red e has do a phenomenal job at avoiding a bureaucratic organization that bogs down decisions and processes. The right...If you want to get a abounding essay, order it on our website:

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