Monday, September 30, 2019
Frankenstein and Blade Runner †Texts in Time Analysis Essay
Many themes and ideas continue to reoccur among different texts in time. However studying two texts in conjunction allows one to observe how composers manipulate ideas in order to more accurately connect to their context, and reflect the concerns and values of the time. Through the comparative study of Mary Shelley’s 1818 gothic novel Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus and Ridley Scott’s 1981 neo-noir cyberpunk film Blade Runner (Director’s Cut), one can observe how in these two didactic and prescient tales, ideas of the dangers of unrestrained scientific progress and the Promethean overreaching of man are explored, with differences in values presented reflecting the different contexts between the texts. Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein was created in an era of rapid technological change. By 1818, the Industrial Revolution had deeply influenced the fundamental nature of society, while Enlightenment inspired ideals of logic and autonomy of reason were prominent in society. Her text accordingly reflects this, as seen in the protagonist Victor Frankenstein; â€Å"I am imbued with a fervent longing to penetrate the secrets of nature. †This metaphor alludes to his passionate and desperate urge to uncover the secrets to the creation of life. Shelley however critiques his intrusive scientific pursuit and horrid creation by juxtaposing it with the beauty of nature. This is seen in the bucolic descriptions of nature’s sublime; â€Å"Mighty alps, whose white and shining pyramids and domes towered above all. †Nature calms and dehumanises Victor throughout the text, but Victor pursues science to the extent that nature loses its consoling ability, and thereafter the Arctic becomes a pathetic fallacy to mock Victor’s psychological and mental isolation. This criticism is further emphasised through the epistolary narrative framework, which allows the text to begin in medias res. The first introduction to Victor is him in a state of complete ruin, and so the text is a forewarning of the ramifications of amoral scientific advancement. In a similar manner, Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner was created in a time of rapid technological progress through the 1970s and 80s. The emergence of the computer and communication age meant that the world became more centralised, with a growing concern that technology was destroying the environment. Set in Los Angeles in 2019, the opening establishing shot of the expansive city immediately demonstrates the negative consequences of untamed scientific advancement. The fire belching into the sky, the artificial city lights sparkling under a looming red-grey sky and the haunting synthetic pulses from the Vangelis soundtrack allude to Hades, making the city a vision of hell. The camera then zooms into the reflection of an eye, which depicts the artificiality of the world and introduces dystopian themes of paranoia and surveillance. Hence we can see that Blade Runner is representative of a grim future that Shelley’s scientific hubris warned us of nearly two centuries ago. However there are alterations in the ideas shown to befit the differing contexts of the texts. Mary Shelley argues that an excessive pursuit of science can lead to the ruin of an individual man, seen in Victor Frankenstein. She also argues that nature is larger than man, evident in her highly Romantic descriptions of nature’s sublime. Ridley Scott however argues that man is overpowering nature, owing to the global concerns of pollution and deforestation in the 1980s. Hence Scott implies amoral scientific advancement will lead to the detriment of society as a whole, and not just at an individual level. Unequivocally, both texts explore the idea of the promethean overreaching of man and his tendency to usurp the role of God, through the characters of Victor Frankenstein and Tyrell. The subtitle of Mary Shelley’s novel, The Modern Prometheus, refers to Victor Frankenstein, and his creation of the monster. A new species would bless me as its creator and source†His creation however leads him to transcend the boundaries of man and elevate him into a god-like status, and this leads to Victor’s complete societal and mental isolation, where he loses sight of his responsibilities and the consequences of his actions. Victor compares himself to God, while the monster says to Victor â€Å"I ought to be thy Adam, but I am rather the fallen angel†, referring to himself as Lucifer. This means the text is given added complexity in that there is a duality between both characters, where neither Victor or the monster are innately good or bad, rather they containing capacity for both, as they become two sides of a single entity, forming a doppelganger relationship. Finally, the literary allusion by Victor; â€Å"how could I enter into a festival with this deadly weight hanging round my neck? †is a reference to the albatross in The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, and shows the eternal punishment and guilt Victor faces from outstretching the boundaries of man and playing the role of God. Therefore it is apparent that in her text, Shelley attempts to warn of the dire consequences of man’s promethean overreaching of the role of God. Correspondingly, the idea of man overstepping of the natural order is heavily explored in Blade Runner. The film is the epitome of a dystopian world dominated by commerce. The initial low angle shot of the Tyrell Corporation’s grand ziggurat-like monolith reflects the rampant commercialisation and commodification of the world, while the blue light shining into the sky pertains to the usurpation of God’s role, and the diminishment of nature in modern society. The Tyrell Corporation’s dominance criticises the â€Å"greed is good†attitude of the 1980s, typified through the antagonist Eldon Tyrell; â€Å"Commerce is our goal here at Tyrell, ‘More Human than Human’ is our motto. †His thick glasses symbolise his failure to see the future consequences of his actions, much like Victor, and this adds to the eye motif of the film, where eyes are windows to the soul and measures of humanity – something which Tyrell clearly lacks. Roy Batty, the film’s role-reversed protagonist, is portrayed initially as a Satanic figure; â€Å"I’ve done questionable things†, akin to the monster being labelled â€Å"daemon†and â€Å"devil†in Frankenstein. However Scott makes a biblical allusion when Batty crucifies his own hand, and this relates him to Christ. Thus one can see how in both texts the composers warn of the dangers of usurping the role of god, showing the complexity and duality of man on Earth. Mary Shelley’s romantic values however mean that through the character of Victor, she aims to criticise the overreaching aspect of Enlightenment, warning that those who do will be eternally punished. Ridley Scott however aims to condemn the overcommercialisation and increasing greed in society, using Tyrell as a figure to represent man’s obsession for power, and in such he criticises the society that we live in. In these ways it can be seen how the overreaching of god in both texts is used differently to resonate with different contextual values. Therefore, through a comparative study of both Frankenstein and Blade Runner, we can see how the common issues of rampant scientific and technological progress and the usurpation of the natural order is explored in both texts, however these ideas are varied slightly in order to suit the differing contexts. Frankenstein aims at questioning Enlightenment values, while Blade Runner condemns materialism, unhinged genetic engineering and corporal greed, essentially critiquing society and presenting a dystopian vision of the future.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Questions: History and Political Science
According to Max Weber, the state is distinguished from all other organizations by its monopoly on the legitimate use of force. its use of bureaucratic procedures in making policy decisions. c. its ability to communicate political information via the media. d. its dependence on culture to define social life. its hierarchical chain of command. Which of the following is NOT among the eight essential functions that must be performed by every state, according to Gabriel Almond and his colleagues? Interest articulation Political socialization Political modernization Policy adjudication Policymaking 5. A group of components that exist in a characteristic relationship and interact on the basis of regular patterns constitutes a territory. nation. state. social contract. system. 6. Liberty, equality, freedom, and Justice are examples of inputs. requisite functions of the state. values. traditions. guaranteed rights. 7.When decisions are accepted as binding by the people affected, the decision s may be described as consensual. judicial. authoritative. rational. All of the above 8. Which of the following can be a source of legitimacy for the state? Law Tradition Contract Law and tradition but not contract Law, tradition and contract 9. Which of the following actions is a â€Å"support†input to a political system? Abstaining from a local election Obeying local traffic laws Signing a petition Requesting a government service None of the above 10. A main rationale for sovereignty, according to the Debate in 5, is that it is a core principle in national constitutions. is a central premise of international law. it is essential for the effective functioning of states. it is more important than humanitarian intervention. it prevents many wars. Res publica refers to a citizen's right to privacy. a citizen's responsibility to support the government. the appropriate domain of state activity. the right of the state to protect its territory. the demands and supports directed to the political system. 12. The most important security goal of a state is autonomy. influence. dominance. survival. economic growth. 13. Which of the following is NOT a major role of the legislature? Oversight of the executive branchInterpretation of laws Representation of citizens Enactment ot legislation All of the above are major roles. 14. Which of the following is an important area of legislative oversight? Approving major executive appointments Enacting regulatory legislation Committee hearings on legislation Control of the agenda by the legislative majority 15. A legislative ombudsman is an independent agency that assists in judicial review. legislative oversight of the administration. policy implementation. supervision of the military. analyzing legislation. 16. Which of the following is a potential drawback of a bicameral legislature?Proliteration ot elections Less effective representation Stalemates in policymaking Proliferation of political parties 17. Many observers clai m that during the twentieth century the power of legislatures increased steadily. declined significantly. remained the same. increased relative to the executive but declined relative to the Judiciary. e. declined in bicameral but not in unicameral legislatures. 18. In a political system with a fused executive, one actor carries out ceremonial aspects of the executive role while another carries out more political aspects. b. a small number of people exercise collective executive leadership. c. e ceremonial and political functions of the top executive both reside in the same actor. d. 19. which ot the tollowing is most responsi countries? The legislature The administration
Saturday, September 28, 2019
The Description of the Federal Reserve and Federal Open Market Committ Term Paper
The Description of the Federal Reserve and Federal Open Market Committee - Term Paper Example It has, therefore, maintained an inflation target of 2%, but it has been below the targeted value (Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System). Fed is concerned of the level of inflation in the country. According to FOMC, the increase in the prices of oil has raised inflation and the expected inflation is targeted to be stable in the long run. To ensure that prices are stable, the Fed has to monitor the rate of inflation to minimize the general tendency of the price increase. The Federal Reserve aims to minimize unemployment by sustaining the current economic growth while maintaining stable prices. It achieves this by mopping out excess money supply when it purchases government securities and bonds. Moreover, Fed believes that unemployment challenges will be addressed by a comprehensive monetary policy. Through the open market operation, the Federal Reserve controls the buying and selling of securities by adjusting the interest rate. Increasing interest rate encourages people to buy while lowering discourages people to buy. However, in this scenario, the Fed has just used the mouth persuasion that it will buy mortgage-based securities and hold to long-term Treasury securities. In the ideal situation, Fed would have lowered the interest attached to these securities to ensure people sell back to avoid low return on investment. The Federal Reserve says that it will go on buying agency securities at a rate of $40 billion every month. This move helps in reducing the money supply from the housing sector to stabilize it after the collapse of the bubble in 2008. Moreover, the Fed aims to increase the grace period by which it holds treasury securities thereby decreases the frequency of injecting money to the economy. Fed also argues for reinventing agency debt along with mortgage securities. These measures Fed says are done to put prevent the rate of interest rising thus helping the mortgage market and financial institutions.Â
Friday, September 27, 2019
The Theme of Dedication in the Movie Chariots of Fire Essay
The Theme of Dedication in the Movie Chariots of Fire - Essay Example This is because it involves the making of significant sacrifices, crucial decisions and options. It additionally involves the taking of several bold, courageous and unusual steps. At times, the choices may be tough if two vital options are involved. It is such choices that may lead to criticisms and discouragements from others. In this case, dedication plays an essential role in giving an individual the will to continue while bearing in mind the benefits of his or her activities. Ultimately the fruits of the action of dedicated people are shown from the impact they create in the society as well as the reputation they present to the society. Dedication and Perseverance in â€Å"Chariot of Fire†The main theme brought out in this movie is that of dedication and commitment. This is shown in the events and results of the races in which Abraham and Liddell participated. It is revealed that for an individual to have this strong drive of dedication there is an underlying reason. This is considered the main element that makes him strong in the implementation of his actions. Abraham notices a high level of anti Semitism among the staff and students at the University of Cambridge. He is convinced that he can take part in an activity that will prove the ability of Jews to succeed and thus eliminate prejudice (Bradshaw par. 1). It is one of the actions that he uses to cover their prejudice and superior feeling by ignoring their criticisms. Liddell, on the other hand, gains enjoyment from serving God as a son of missionary parents. In spite of his sister; Jennie’s disapproval, he is convinced that, through his participation in competitive running, he will get a chance to glorify God (Ben, Charleson and Havers). This is before he goes for missionary work in China. As such, his main dedication is in the overall service of God in different fields. In addition, the action in which someone is to be dedicated should elicit the feeling of enjoyment. Despite the preju dice Abraham enjoys taking part in the Gilbert and Sullivan club. As such, dedication id brought about by various motivational factors. They include the numerous wins and victories that Abrahams gets within the college and in other national competition (Bradley, 576). These include the first time historical win at the Great Court run. It is these activities that give him the confidence of a greater win. It is from this that he attains the dedication to run in the effort to fight prejudice. In â€Å"Chariots of Fire†dedication is detected to be made stronger by the faced obstacles. During the 400 meter race, Liddell is tripped by a Frenchman. He is like Abraham, equally motivated by his performance, and recovers the distance to his win (Ben, Charleson and Havers). This opinion is especially influenced by their convictions to take part in the race. Nonetheless, the main difference between the intended purposes of the Jew and Christian in running activities also reveals this. W hile the Scottish Eric Liddell does it in order to glorify God, the Jewish Harold Abraham runs to escape from prejudice. The desire to achieve these purposes in the race prevents them from being discouraged and instead provides them with the strength to pursue their goals towards success. They thus possess a powerful will despite their different religious and racial affiliations. Ben, Charleson, and Havers use it to show that dedication in the same field surpasses the differences in different aspects.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Research Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 7000 words
Research Assignment - Essay Example The commerce groups are Mobile Phones, Multimedia, Enterprise Solutions and Networks. The straight groups are Customer and Marketing Operations and Technology Platforms. The Nokia mobiles are intended to tender a wide variety of business users elastic access to Oracle Collaboration Suite, via text message, browser, or over-the-air harmonization of calendar and speak to in rank. The effect is endeavor mobility that is both influential and reasonable, enabling IT departments to offer omnipresent admittance to in sequence athwart their organization The prospect of the wireless manufacturing is predicated on the release and management of value-added services. According to this group research the market for these services is huge, with destructive marketing campaigns positioning mobile multimedia contented at the heart of today's way of life. For expediency the term Service Delivery Platform (NOKIA) is used as a method of referring to the structural design that is necessary to transport these services (Coakes, , pp3-12). Regrettably, there is no normal meaning for the term, or the components that constitute an NOKIA. For instance, the word implies that there is a solitary system a hardware/ software platform that addresses all the technical and commerce issues. This imprecision allows vendors to offer 'solutions' that speak to person market segments while still promoting their answer as an NOKIA. It is too late to alter the expressions, ... This imprecision allows vendors to offer 'solutions' that speak to person market segments while still promoting their answer as an NOKIA. It is too late to alter the expressions, but we can employ a enhanced set of definitions. Nokia's NOKIA hallucination is based on the definitions anticipated by the Moriana Group, namely: An NOKIA provides a total bionetwork for the speedy deployment, provisioning, capital punishment, management and billing of assessment added services. An NOKIA supports the liberation of voice and data services and at ease in a way that is jointly network and device-independent. An NOKIA aggregates dissimilar network capabilities and services as well as dissimilar sources of contented and allows application developers to access them in a uniform and consistent way (Beers, M. 2003, pp43-57). In the past the NOKIA thought has been principally listening carefully on the IT infrastructure necessary to transport and administer the overhaul environment, with the fundamental network merely as long as the crossing point and release machinery. Nevertheless, in the new developing NOKIA world these boundaries among IT and network environments are amalgamation, thus generating the need for a new end-to-end architectural observation spanning the absolute service release environment. In exacting the subsequent new challenges require to be addressed: This group research study recognizes the present limitations of NOKIA as a term as well as the significance of the notion, i.e. the require to facilitate the growth and completion of value-added services. That procedure is careful from a business viewpoint and it is visualized
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
David Smith and the cubi series sculpture Essay
David Smith and the cubi series sculpture - Essay Example David Smith, beginning off as an artist, emerged to be one of the most influential and imaginative twentieth century American sculptors, in the process bringing American sculpture, a relatively relegated art form, to the fore of American art. He was apparently inspired and influenced by the European modernism in art, and applied the principles of cubism and abstract expressionism in developing one of the most innovative, expressive forms in a series of sculpture titled the Cubi series. David Smith, considered one of the most influential and imaginative twentieth century American sculptors, apparently inspired and influenced by European modernism in paintings, has applied the principles of cubism and abstract expressionism in developing one of the most innovative, expressive forms in a series of sculpture titled the Cubi series. "It may not be possible to reach further as an artist than David Smith did, within and outside himself,"1 wrote art critic Donald Goddard reviewing an exhibition of his works at Gagosian Gallery, New York in 2004. An attempt to know and appreciate the life and development of the artist, who purportedly reached the heights of human artistic expression, and his art, would be valuable and perhaps imperative, and in all likelihood tempting to art enthusiasts and students. David Roland Smith was born on March 9, 1906, in Decatur, Indiana; his father Harvey Martin Smith was a telephone engineer and part-time inventor and mother, Golda Stoler Smith, a schoolteacher. His inborn talent in fine arts surfaced during his young age, as he joined for a correspondence course at the Cleveland Art School during his high school years. The family moved to Ohio in 1921. In 1924 Smith attended the Ohio University; in 1925, he left the university to work as an automobile factory welder in an assembly plant, where he learnt the first lessons of welded construction and assembling, which he later vastly applied in his metal sculpture. His academic interests in arts brought him back to college, joining the University of Notre Dame in Indiana in 1926; however, soon Smith moved to Washington D.C and then to New York, to enroll at the Art Students League, where he studied painting with many celebrated artists like Richard Lahey and John Sloan and privately with Jan Matulka.2 Smith married Dorothy Dehner, a young painter at the school, in 1927. Though he worked for sometime at a sports good store and on an oil tanker, Smith returned to New York to pursue his artistic aspirations. New York's cultural life seemed fascinating and promising to the artist; Smith bought a farm in Bolton Landing, near Lake George in upstate New York; the fields, remained his seasonal resort until 1940, when he made it his home, staying there permanently, developing his farm of outdoor metal sculptures.3 David Smith's association with artists John Graham and Jan Matulka introduced him to European modernism; Smith was much influenced by cubism in art, and the welded steel sculptures of Pablo Picasso and Julio Gonzlez, the experience leaving enduring impressions in his artistic perceptions. Smith's fascination with abstract expressionism and constructivism in art fuelled his friendship with modernists of the time including Willem de Kooning, Stuart Davis, Edgar Levy, Jackson Pollock, Arshile Gorky, and Jean Xceron. Smith was also captivated by the jazz and modern dance, the art forms influencing him in unique ways in his creations. 4 Smith's artistic expedition ventured into sculpting in
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Final Exame Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Final Exame - Essay Example When individual living in the society will have a clear idea about the basics of his life then the positive aspects of the culture are also adopted by the neighboring civilizations. There are various primary functions of religion. One such function is provision of mental peace. Human being is surrounded around difficulties and insecurities therefore religion provides them the binding force. Religion also promotes positive social values such as honestly and integrity. Another function of religion is the promotion of solidarity. It provides the platform at which people of different races can unite together. Question 2: Not all religious practitioners are equal in terms of their strength of their prayers. Religious practitioners are important part of the religion since these are the real people who are transferring religion to the younger generations. Religious practitioners are classified into four broad categories. These include individualistic, shamanistic, communal and ecclesiastica l. Individualistic is the basic practitioner of the religion. Shamanistic is the part time religious practitioners who practices religion on behalf of other people which could also be his clients. Communal practitioners propagate the religious values to the group of people. Ecclesiastical practitioners are those who practice religion with a proper hierarchical structure. Catholic Church can be considered as an example of these practitioners. Question 3: The whole world has become one marketplace this is an era of globalization. Therefore immigration is inevitable in this modern world. Tourism is going to flourish in this modern era because of the changing demographics and psychographic elements of the world. Indigenous will interact with international artistic works. Only those people will survive who can provide best possible things (Nanda & Warms, 2009). Question 4: Expression of body art is becoming one of the most popular artistic works in the modern world. Instead of portraying on paper, experts are of the opinion that body expressions can describe the conceptual background in an effective manner. It is a difficult task for an artist to provide attention to details. Therefore body art is the best way to project the concept clearly. Question 5: Colonialism has played an important role in the development of modern culture in majority of the regions where British has ruled. The language of colonial areas is influenced by the culture and values of those people who have ruled them. For example Hindi has adopted various words of English language. Similarly many African countries still understand French because African countries had been French colonies in the past. There are many Muslim states like Pakistan, Indonesia, Malaysia and Turkey which have taken influence from European Colonialism. Majority of the countries which were ruled by British, have adopted their political culture. Most of the English and French colonies are still based on democratic system. L egal system is one of the key components for the efficient and effective functioning of the state. Colonial era’s law is still followed in majority of the countries with certain amendments. People living in these areas are of the opinion that they have learnt a lot from different civilization with which they have interacted. The architecture of colonial areas reflects the adoption of English or French design in the construction. Sociologists are of the opinion that interaction of two different civilizations has brought positive results for the overall development
Monday, September 23, 2019
THE LAW OF HEALTH AND SAFETY AT WORK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
THE LAW OF HEALTH AND SAFETY AT WORK - Essay Example According to the provisions of the common law, employers are required to safeguard the physical and psychological health of their employees. They are also required to provide a safe system of work, safe means of access, plant and equipment, and fellow employees. Furthermore, employees have to be protected from unnecessary risk of injury (Mcilroy, 2000). This duty of care is an implied obligation in a contract of employment. It had been the extant practice to permit employees to claim compensation from their employers if they were injured at the workplace, due to the negligence of the latter. The courts have commenced to grant compensation for psychological injuries caused by employers. In order to succeed in a claim for psychiatric injury, the applicant has to establish genuine psychological damage; presence of a causal link between the psychiatric injury and his employment; and that the psychiatric injury had been foreseeable by the employer (Mcilroy, 2000). Moreover, the applicant must submit expert opinion to establish psychiatric illness, in order to claim compensation. Stress in employment, gradually erodes the health of employees, and reduces self-esteem, confidence, and other abilities. Such employees are less likely to claim compensation from their employers (Mcilroy, 2000). ... The Employment Protection Act 1975 (Employment Protection Act (c. 71), 1975) provides rights related to time off, and these have been included in the Employment Rights Act 1996 (Employment Rights Act (c. 18), 1996). A few of these rights provide employees with paid time off and the other rights allow employees to avail themselves of unpaid time off. Specifically, section 50(4) of the Employment Rights Act 1996, requires the duration of time off and pertinent factors to be of a reasonable nature. This was clearly discernible in the Employment Appellate Tribunal’s decision in Borders Regional Council v Maule, wherein the former stressed that there was to be a balance between the needs of the employer and the rights of the employee (Borders Regional Council v Maule, 1993). Health and Safety at Work It is to be examined, whether the corporate law firm, is in breach of the provisions of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act of 1974. In instances involving work related stress an em ployee can initiate legal action against his employer in the County Court or High Court, or apply to an Employment Tribunal. The first ruling regarding negligence arose in Walker v Northumberland County Council. In this case, it was held that it was reasonable to foresee risk of psychiatric injury, if the concerned employee had already undergone a nervous breakdown. All the same, this was not to be construed to imply that an employer could continue to subject an employee to excessive stress, until the latter suffered a stress related injury. In Garratt v London Borough of Camden, the Court of Appeal opined that a significant proportion of the population underwent nervous breakdowns and depression, and that quite a few of these individuals were
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Computer forenscis Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Computer forenscis - Article Example Customization and optimization; the source code can be modified; therefore, the OS can be customized to suit the requirements of a particular lab. Support; its Adhoc support is excellent; mailing lists answer calls and provide assistance within minutes. It offers fast implementation of feature and patch requests. Disadvantages; requires retraining, learning Linux takes time and effort, and the command line is not intuitive. Support; Linux offers no formal support organization. Support queries are direct to the community, and the answer quality varies considerably. Interoperating; interoperating with proprietary technologies is difficult, implementation takes time and may even be incomplete. Volunteer development effort; many projects are in perpetual development stage and may be edgy, poorly documented and abandoned (Wolfe). In a forensic lab setting, both Linux and Windows have advantages and disadvantages. They are different but employ similar tools. The main difference is the approach taken in obtaining and interpreting the data. Recovery of data is crucial in forensics, and this is where Linux has an upper hand over Windows. Data on Linux is held for months even on heavily used systems. Linux file system avoids file fragmentation, and data remain clustered together. Deleted files are, therefore, easily recoverable on Linux than on Windows. Also, everything in Linux is noted as a file, and this translates to; any transaction occurring in Linux will leave traces
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and Lord of the Flies both deal with mans struggle to control his inner evil Essay Example for Free
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and Lord of the Flies both deal with mans struggle to control his inner evil Essay How do the authorss show this struggle? In the strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, Robert Louis Stevenson presents mans struggle to control his inner evil through Jekyll but the evil comes out in Hyde. Dr Jekyll is a fine upstanding member of the community and Mr Hyde is still Jekyll but he has no conscience and no sense of responsibility and so goes on wild evil rampages, I am going to explore how Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde show their evils. Dr Jekyll is a moral and religious man and has a conscience but he is attracted to the violence and freedom of Hyde and for him turning into Hyde is like a drug, he is addicted. Dr Jekyll is in a constant struggle with Hyde for control if I am the chief of sinners I am the chief of sufferers also, which shows the constant torment he is in yet he still drinks the drug. Before the smile was struck out of his face and succeeded by an expression of abject terror and despair, as froze the blood of the two gentleman below, this shows that Jekyll is scared of turning into Hyde and it also gives a picture of the ferocity of Hyde. Jekyll becomes weak from Hyde and eventually Hyde takes over completely Dr Jekyll, looking deadly sick. He did not rise to meet his visitor, but held out a cold hand and bade him welcome in a changed voice, this shows that Hyde is slowly trying to kill Jekyll. Jekyll decided to kill Hyde Utterson, I swear to god Utterson I am done with him in this world,I cannot say that I care what becomes of Hyde I am quite done with him, Utterson says to Jekyll he meant to murder you, which shows that Jekyll is good to have got rid of Hyde but Jekyll still takes the potion and Hyde continues his torments and Eventually kills Jekyll. God knows I am careless this is my true hour of death and what is to follow concerns another than myself, that was Jekylls final transformation before his death. Edward Hyde is the beast that takes Henry Jekyll over he is a small deformed man the man seems hardly human troglodytic shall we say, I read Satans signature upon a face, like a monkey, these all describe Hyde it is like Hyde is a step back in evolution. Hyde is also very fast it went so quick, with extraordinary quickness, these both show the speed oh Hyde so we now that he is animal like and very quick, he is also very savage as he has no conscience for the man trampled calmly over the childs body and left her screaming on the ground, really like Satan, these both show his ferocity, there are also a lot of satanic references to Hyde which suggests that he is the work of the devil. Other people perceive Hyde as being a juggernaut, without the bowels of mercy, a spirit of enduring hatred, which shows that he disgusts them. Hyde hates Jekyll because he thinks he is weak and pathetic but he still fears Jekyll because he knows that Jekyll has the power to cut him off by suicide how he fears my power to cut him off by suicide, blasphemies on the pages of my books, burning letters and destroying the portrait of my father, by doing these things Hyde is trying to demoralise Jekyll because it seems that the weaker Jekyll gets the stronger Hyde gets. As Jekyll gets ill Hyde feeds off his weakness making himself stronger the powers of Hyde have grown stronger with the sickliness of Jekyll, this shows that Hyde is very powerful and can force Jekyll to do anything. I think at first Jekyll finds Hyde exciting and adventurous and he loves the feeling of having no conscience. Jekyll and Hyde are like polar twins, being the same yet very opposite. Jekyll also has biblical references because the thrill of Hyde tempts him like the tree in the bible tempts Adam and Eve. This story shows that man has always been evil it is just hidden behind a mask and Hyde pulled this mask from Jekyll revealing the evil inside after all they are the same person. Lord of the Flies is much the same as Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde because they both deal with mans struggle to control his inner evil, but however in Lord of the Flies it is children who are evil and not adults like in Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, so does this show that you are born evil? It certainly challenges the idea that you are born free from sin, as some of the children in Lord of the Flies are from private schools and you would think to be better brought up and you could say somewhat shielded from the world, but the children who were from a public education system behaved better and tried to overthrow to the evil that lay on the island. Lord of the flies shows emotions through its characters, Piggy who represents conscience and logic, Simon who represents Jesus and Jack and Ralph who are the leaders of the two gangs (good and evil). At the beginning of the novel it is hard to differentiate between the good and bad people because they have all just met each other and are all trying to out do each other in a bid to be popular but does this in itself show that maybe they are all evil? When the two gangs split up and start living separately its like Jekyll and Hyde because its like one gang is Jekyll and the other gang Hyde and as the story goes on the Hyde gang tries to kill the Jekyll gang. Also the Hyde gang use masks when hunting for food body held up a mask that drew their eyes and appalled them. He began to dance and his laughter became a bloodthirsty snarling, this shows that by putting masks on they are acting like Hyde transforming them from laughter to being snarling and bloodthirsty. Jack hid liberated from shame and self consciousness, this is exactly How Jekyll feels When he transforms in to Hyde because he is liberated from all consciousness and feels free to do whatever he wants. When Jacks gang are wearing these masks they launch attacks on Ralphs gang, the results of which end up in the death of Piggy, so all conscience and logic is removed and then as all they are removed we see the breakdown of their community and the good gang becomes equally as vicious as the bad gang showing that evil is like a disease that cant be healed and just keeps spreading. Simon also dies of an epileptic shock and this signifies that as he is the Jesus figure surely all hope and good is lost now, this is like when Jekyll becomes so ill he lets Hyde take over he was so frail he only raised a hand to bade him a welcome, and shows that there is no going back now evil has taken a strong hold on the island and can only get worse, good can no longer triumph over evil. When the navy finally rescues the boys nobody knows what has happened the island and they can only assume that the missing boys were killed in the plane crash. This shows mans naivety and arrogance to think that young innocent boys couldnt have brutally murdered one boy and left another to die, this reflects Jekyll and Hyde by the way in which nobody realises that a fine upstanding member of the community could possibly be a murderer although it is without his knowing but the boys on the island are young and you could say that without their parents and rules, they cant differentiate between right and wrong. Jekyll and Hyde was written in the Victorian times and it does challenge the idea of inner evil but good eventually wins because in the Victorian times people were moral and blind to the evil lurking before them and so sin was eventually killed in Jekyll and Hyde. In Lord of the Flies however you could say the evil triumphs which is the case in todays modern society, but the children are rescued from the evil they have created which you could argue that maybe good triumphs over evil after all. Both authors say that evil is in us and not around us and that without rules evil will show itself more fully. Evil is a tempting attractive power that gives you freedom but if you are truly evil can you be truly happy? We all see evil but can we see our own? Maybe these novels are trying to show us that maybe we should look inside ourselves and see if we are truly evil or is evil just something we use as an excuse to hurt people?
Friday, September 20, 2019
Understanding Sustainability in Architecture
Understanding Sustainability in Architecture Chapter 1: Understanding Sustainability in Architecture Project Objectives The essay primarily intends to investigate inclusion of the sustainable environmental design by architectural professional and school of architecture in their practice and academics. Sustainability has been buzz word from late 60s and continuously becoming and will be important in field of built environment. Lets see some of the definitions of sustainability in built environment. Sustainable design is described as a philosophical approach to design that seeks to maximize the quality of the built environment while minimizing or eliminating the negative impact to the environment (McLennan, 2004, P.P.10). Sustainability in architecture has many facets such as Natural Resource planning, Environmental, Social, Technological and Adaptability/flexibility to the changing world. In practice, design is better able to respond quickly to the here and now and to envisage the future, than is policy development (Williamson, Radford Bennetts 2003). However the implementation of the aspects of the sustainability is quiet debatable in the professional practice at mass level. For the mass level implementation policy level intervention is necessary as the policy is indirectly affecting the project. There are certain aspects of sustainability such as the economic and impact on the environment might be considered to a certain extent. Probably impact on the environment is considered due to statutory requirement for obtaining the development permissions for typically larger development projects. There are no set formula to achieve sustainability in architecture, but a proper balance of appropriate technologies, energy efficient, eco-friendly architecture would show the way us direction. Along with this, the social and cultural aspects should not be overlooked. The answer is probably that we shall never find single satisfactory definition but the searching is more important than finding (Bryan Lawson (2002) Sustainability in the built environment is unremitting process. Therefore we (Architect) need to update our self about all aspect in order response the situation .The conscious evaluation of the buildings should be done with respect the energy efficiency, economy, user response, and impact on the environment. There is need to promote sustainability in all the possible ways, one then would be by designing the sustainable building and transferring, maintaining ethic by educating our future vice versa . Background In 2007, the UK government declared that all new housing and schools should be zero carbon by 2016 and all buildings are expected to be zero carbon by 2019. So students admitting in this year (2009) should equip with sustainable design tools at the time they graduate. The architectural practice as well as academics should be ready for the situation. Students entering architecture programmes in 2009 need to have all the skills necessary to meet these requirements by the time they graduate. The two questions facing the design community are: how can we enable architectural educators and students to respond appropriately to the challenge of climate change and what are the new pedagogic paradigms that are required to facilitate this? The last UK review of architectural education in relation to sustainable design teaching revealed a major split between studio teaching and academic lecturing in technology. At the same time, Guy and Moore have identified that there are many plural approaches to sustainable design in architecture, making it difficult to formulate any changes unless these are directly responsive to the modes and cultures of teaching involved. They have called for symposia and other dialogical spaces that can address matters pragmatically. This paper identifies key barriers and opportunities within the UK architectural edu cation system in relation Problem identification Problem at academic level Problem at practice level Problems at social level The essay intends to find out whether the professional architects and academics believe in sustainable environmental design in their thought process in practice or academics. This would gives clue why this not happening in practice and academics, further this build foundation for what should be done to cultivate values sustainable environmental design in the practice as well as academics. This essay also intends the find out the what is actually helping or retarding the implementation of the sustainable environmental design. This findings of attitudes at practise level is very important in a way, as at professional level architects tends to obtain specific knowledge about sustainability without caring the ethical issues aside There are different views regarding inclusion and exclusion of the sustainable environmental design in practices as well as also in academics. Following relevant arguments from the advisory board meeting which postulates views of architect regarding sustainability in architecture and process of academics as well the accreditation. I am surprised when other practices do not take environmental design and sustainability in to account (Bill Gething RIBA and Feilden and Bradely Studios) Further he argued that sustainable environmental design is personalized approach for design, professionals often learn this from case studies,courses,books,articles. Mr.John Pringle people do not value energy efficiency and carbon reduction it has to come from the legislative framework.I kind of partially disagree on this argument.In my view we cannot change peoples thinking by the legislative framework although its one way of doing it. I partially I feel its partially architects responsibility educate the client. As per Mr. Mario most important aspect is to understands relation of building with environment and teaching the creativity,sensitivity in Architecture.We may have Broad range of interpretations for the word creativity and sensitively. In my view creativity is really something that cannot be taught what the best we can do is we can environment which provoke creativity .Further urges to look at the vernacular architecture and understand the unseen environmental design reasons. The accreditation process in European countries differs in terms of durations and process of accreditation.The environmental design is optional but still possibility of the students to opt.According to him the building regulations are compromising the implementation of the environmental design. In Germany the syllabus is similar to European rules i.e. 4 years degree followed by 2 years of practice. Environmental design is not measurable concept (Mr. Oliver Heiss ). This quiet valid argument in way environmental is truly non quantifiable it is developed thru experience and practice In Belgium the structure of architecture quiet different in way they have two diplomas i.e. architect engineer and engineer architect, years of study is 5 years academic and 2 years of professional practice. The evaluation of accreditation takes place after every 6 years. According to him there is not enough understanding and knowledge about the subject. In United Kingdom the course duration is 7 years i.e. 3 years under graduate studies 2 years diploma and 2 years of the professional practice. RIBA has introduced minimum requirement environmental design in Architecture but it has been interpreted by each school differently. You need registration to practice but you dont need registration for designing building. In Spain its architectural course duration is 6 years. The major hurdle is student lack of interest and lecturers lack of knowledge, further the new regulation approved in Spain is drafted by engineers so doesnt include architectural components. Mr Mario states suggested continuous professional development is a key. While Mr. Simos stressed on sensitivity of the subject. Mr .Geathing spoke about the gap between the code prediction and actual energy used. Mr Simos postulate need of evaluation of the building critically. According to Mr.Sabestian simplification of basics for architecture and can have specialist for environmental design. Mr Jolan urges to consider the heritage conservation in the environmental design. Mr. Brian stressed need built up knowledge at undergraduate level and in his opinion students must get the basics right at undergraduate level. These views expressed are diverse, important and practical. I feel its a collective responsibility of universities; accreditation councils and most importantly need from our society.Although boundary is quiet between these stakeholders. Research question Do Professional Architects and Academics consider sustainable environmental design in their Practice and academic curriculum? Since the sustainable environmental design is broad subjects with many facets to it, for ease of understanding lets grouped this aspects as shown below Ecology and Energy aspects Passive environmental design Energy efficiency and carbon neutrality Renewable energy system Ecological management of resources User aspects Occupant comfort and well being Social sustainability The question investigates the attitudes of the Academics and architectural professionals. Subsequently question would require evidences from the both the worlds that is from the academics and professionals. By answering the question would lead to unveil the changing outlook of the potential architects regarding the sustainable environmental design. The section we would detail out the evidences and draw some hypotheses from the research methods. These hypotheses later tested on the secondary information. In order to answer the question research, the research method cannot be as simple or really straight forward due to the complexity of the problem to address. For the ease of understanding lets divide the question in to two parts. The first part deals with the understanding the thought process and design process of the design professionals. This would give the clue regarding what is going wrong at what level. This can be primarily be done through Semi- structured interviews of Building professionals to know their views and aspirations about the Sustainable environmental design and would also investigates whether they practice the Sustainable environmental design in their practice . Testing their view by analyzing the case studies Second part would be of academics these involves knowing the attitudes of the tutors via semi structured interview and also analyzing the course curriculum for inclusion of the sustainable environmental design in curriculum. Later the I intended look at the list of the thesis of the architecture thesis and dissertation in order understand whether budding architects attitudes towards sustainable environmental design. The further this study intends to reveal if there is differences between the academics and professional world. This would be necessary because professionals relay on their theoretical knowledge in the initial years and their analytical skill. This process of investigation would also revel if architects feel that inclusion of SED may marginalize their creative ability. Lastly the answering of the research question would exposed the changing attitudes of the new generations towards sustainable environmental design. Chapter 2: Literature review In order to solidify the argument of this essay, I have done some literature study of the similar topics. One of which is Learning from practice: a model for integrating sustainable design in architectural education by Maureen Trebilcock Where author has prepared the theoretical model for the integrating the sustainable environmental design in the architecture education. As part of methodology author had selected five case studies from Architects who are well known in the field of sustainable design. Here all the selected buildings were non Residential nature. Reason selecting non residential building is not clarified. Further my opinion there should be at least one residential building to get flavour of the Domestic as well as non domestic building. Reason for this is quantitatively housing forms major portion of any development. The case studies suggest that architectural education requires the development of attitudes, knowledge and skills crossing over intuitive, analytical and social dimensions in order to face the uniqueness and complexity of sustainable design.( Maureen Trebilcock 2008). There has been series of work shop held on the architectural education on climate change . The design of human settlements is a key factor for addressing carbon emissions, finite resource availability, ecological deterioration and climate change. The role of architectural education in promoting the principles and practices which address these issues is significant. New pedagogic paradigms are required to produce graduates endowed with holistic competences including environmental knowledge related to sustainable design.( FIONN STEVENSON1, ANDREW ROBERTS2, SERGIO ALTOMONTE)3 pertaining to this paper would form input to the essay in terms of understanding the barriers to the successful implementation of the Sustainable design in to the curriculum. Primary aim was to contribute to the development of environmental responsibility as a creative factor in the practice and pedagogy of architecture. As concept of the implementing sustainability (envisaging it would be transform in to practise) this paper reviews inferences learning form the workshops and ,and discussing the new methodologies and curriculum and also conflict between the sustainability between the other building sciences and in higher education and professional practise . As concept I like the idea of the representative built environments schools of different universities come together discuss the strength and weakness of the curriculum and form strategies for new teaching methodologies and syllabus which would probably reduce the conflict bet sustainability and other building disciplines in way if feel this concept as the as partially isolated in terms involvement of practise,which are the producer of the building stock. Involving the professions in to the workshop only can get ideal views so in way as concept I feel it kind of stitching and what is required much more intensified to achieve the deadline.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Moliere Essay -- Biography Bio Biographies Jean-Baptiste Poquelin
Moliere is undoubtedly one of the most interesting and famous French writers ever. His comedic plays capture the reader with a a perfect blend of intelligent and slap stick jokes. He mastered the "strange enterprise of amusing decent people"(Guicharnaud, 2) with this simple philosophy: "Nothing is more effective(in making people laugh) then holding up the mirror to nature."(Guicharnaud, 21) Jean-Baptiste Poquelin was born in Paris on January 15, 1662. His father and Mother where both interior decorators for the king, although his mother died when Jean-Baptise was ten years of age. He was sent to College de Claremont, an aristocratic Jesuit institution. Poquelin took a degree in law, which he never used in practice, and moved back to work with his father. When he turned of age, he shocked his family by declaring he would not succeed his fathers position. Instead , he took the stage name "Moliere", and began his career as a thespian. He spent a short time in a debtor's prison and then immediately fled Paris. Thus began the most important stage in Moliere's young life. Moliere wondered about France, learning the trade of which he would eventually master, and become famous for. He learned how to handle everything about the stage. From writing, to acting, to controlling unhappy crowds that where armed with fruits and vegetables as missiles. Immediately, his own skits and plays where a success. His entire career was almost one of continuous success. He worked his own theater, with his own troupe(organization of actors) of which he was president. Louis the XIV was one of his biggest patrons. For fifteen years he managed, wrote, acted and organized performance at his theater. On February 17, 1673 Moli... ... to make them realize there false preciosity. He succeeds in mortifying them, and they depart from his home. In his time, the effort towards distinction became very popular. Although to us some of the ridulous antics of the two girls trying to seem prestigous are too far fetched to be realistic, they are "exact, not exagerated."(Bishop, 3) In writing it, he made many realize how ridiculous their actions where, maybe aleaving his anoyance. This practice though, still exists today. Too a good portion of the poplulation it will be a way of life. Now a days many young people attempt to be "cool" by buying the latest clothes and practicing all the latest trends. This is of course an effort to be more prestigious to there peers, and thus is human nature. As with all Moliere plays, they are still relevant in todays world, after all human nature is ageless.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The Apathetic Generation :: Argumentative Persuasive Argument Essays
The Apathetic Generation The â€Å"Greatest Generation,†the generation of our grandparents, was the generation that beat the enemy down in the European and Pacific theater with pure determination and will. That generation showed past and future generations what it meant to be a strong, steadfast, and hardworking nation with determination. During this election, rumors of a draft, a draft to help fray some of the casualties that we have been encoring while fighting the War on Terror, have circulated. The re-staffing of draft boards and the introduction of a draft reinstatement bills by Rep. Charles Rangel (D-NY) can be looked upon as a catalyst to these rumblings. Young adults across the nation have been in chat rooms talking about how this war is another Vietnam and how there is no way they will be drafted. This is such a touchy subject that President Bush said during the debate that the U.S. Armed Forces will stay an all-volunteer force. Our grandparents’ generation would never have said how they wouldn’t go to war if the government asked them. You may say that was a different time. But both WWII and this war began with attacks on our soil. If the draft is reinstated, would that be the worst thing to happen to this country? I admit it would be a devastating blow to us in regards to morale, but it would not be the worst thing to happen . Our generation is a generation of softies. We have no idea what it means to sacrifice things like metal, iron, pantyhose, and even butter for the greater good of a national cause. Our generation has a bigger fight than the â€Å"Greatest Generation.†We are fighting a war with an ideology, not a government. We are fighting a group of people who hate us because of our love for freedom. If a draft is part of the American fabric, we should be leery of it. But at the same time, if we don’t have the men to fight this war, we will lose our way of life, a way of life that may never be regained. This period of history is the most uncertain in modern times. We may disagree with the politics of the day, but if you take the politics away you still have a war that needs to be won. Won with the characteristics of the â€Å"Greatest Generation†that have been lost within the era of computers and self indulgence.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
The Destruction of Macbeth :: essays research papers fc
     At some point in the life of every individual, certain events and changes occur that shape the person into how they will behave and appear in the future. The life of an individual either starts to blossom with opportunity or starts going through a consistent downward spiral. How does it work out perfectly for some and go wrong for others? Macbeth is a prime example of how one decision can alter life forever. As Macbeth tries to successfully pursue his prophecies, his mind and body slowly deteriorate until he has nothing left to live for. Tillyard once explained that the human mind works through reason, will, and passion (Tillyard-The Elizabethan World Picture). These ideas are somewhat parallel to Macbeth’s actions. Once he begins feeling guilty of his actions, fearful of being caught, and driven to have total control, the motives of his mind are gradually moving from being thought out with reason, to will, and finally to passion. As Macbeth makes his desc ent into death, his passion to be king gradually takes control his whole being. At the lowest point of his existence there is no reason left inside him. His mind is so busy and crazy that he no longer has the ability to make thoughtful and insightful decisions. He goes from being a loyal and careful servant to a deceitful and scattered ruler.      Macbeth’s path into insanity begins when Macbeth first hears the witches refer to him as the thane of Cawdor and reveal that he will be the king (1.3.51-53). The prediction makes no sense to him and the thought that Duncan would no longer be king leaves him completely confused and fearful of the future. When he does become the thane of Cawdor, however, he immediately wonders if his prediction could really speak the truth. Macbeth imagines the King being murdered and himself becoming king but immediately shows regret and tries to forget ever thinking such an absurd scene (1.3.164). His regret for imagining this along with logic and reason force him to decide that if the prophecies are meant to happen they will whether he gets involved or not: â€Å"If chance will have me king, why, chance may crown me,/Without my stir†(1.3.155-156). Macbeth convinces himself that he will not interfere with the predictions at all. Despite his good intentions, when Dunc an crowns Malcolm as the Prince of Cumberland, giving him the title of future king, Macbeth acknowledges that this is an obstacle that interferes with his prophecy of being king: â€Å"The Prince of Cumberland! That is a step/On which I must fall down, or else o’er-leap,/For in my way it lies†(1. The Destruction of Macbeth :: essays research papers fc      At some point in the life of every individual, certain events and changes occur that shape the person into how they will behave and appear in the future. The life of an individual either starts to blossom with opportunity or starts going through a consistent downward spiral. How does it work out perfectly for some and go wrong for others? Macbeth is a prime example of how one decision can alter life forever. As Macbeth tries to successfully pursue his prophecies, his mind and body slowly deteriorate until he has nothing left to live for. Tillyard once explained that the human mind works through reason, will, and passion (Tillyard-The Elizabethan World Picture). These ideas are somewhat parallel to Macbeth’s actions. Once he begins feeling guilty of his actions, fearful of being caught, and driven to have total control, the motives of his mind are gradually moving from being thought out with reason, to will, and finally to passion. As Macbeth makes his desc ent into death, his passion to be king gradually takes control his whole being. At the lowest point of his existence there is no reason left inside him. His mind is so busy and crazy that he no longer has the ability to make thoughtful and insightful decisions. He goes from being a loyal and careful servant to a deceitful and scattered ruler.      Macbeth’s path into insanity begins when Macbeth first hears the witches refer to him as the thane of Cawdor and reveal that he will be the king (1.3.51-53). The prediction makes no sense to him and the thought that Duncan would no longer be king leaves him completely confused and fearful of the future. When he does become the thane of Cawdor, however, he immediately wonders if his prediction could really speak the truth. Macbeth imagines the King being murdered and himself becoming king but immediately shows regret and tries to forget ever thinking such an absurd scene (1.3.164). His regret for imagining this along with logic and reason force him to decide that if the prophecies are meant to happen they will whether he gets involved or not: â€Å"If chance will have me king, why, chance may crown me,/Without my stir†(1.3.155-156). Macbeth convinces himself that he will not interfere with the predictions at all. Despite his good intentions, when Dunc an crowns Malcolm as the Prince of Cumberland, giving him the title of future king, Macbeth acknowledges that this is an obstacle that interferes with his prophecy of being king: â€Å"The Prince of Cumberland! That is a step/On which I must fall down, or else o’er-leap,/For in my way it lies†(1.
Comparing How Two Short Fiction Writers Effectively Convey a Common Theme Essay
â€Å"A Visit of Charity†by Eudora Welty and â€Å"The Use of Force†by William Carlos Williams are both engrossing short stories featuring two young female characters who must face an ailment. Eudora Welty touches on a social ailment, using an indifferent teenage girl as takeoff point, and portrays the abandonment of the elderly in a home that is as cold as the treatment they are subjected to. On the other hand, Williams tackles a physical ailment, and he depicts how a medical practitioner will go to great lengths not to neglect his duty, even if he encounters resistance. Welty takes on a serious, somewhat mocking tone, while Williams is thoroughly amusing and almost comical, yet very realistic. In Welty’s short story, a teenage named girl Marian is the protagonist who temporarily leaves the confines of her cloistered existence to visit a home for the aged to fulfill a requirement for Campfire Girls, a group that seeks to develop character in the young. Instead of gaining the expected social benefits from the visit, Marian ironically develops great uneasiness and retreats. Both short story titles reflect their themes and plot, although the titles may have other implications. â€Å"Visit†in Welty’s short story implies Marian’s fleeting and superficial encounter with elderly women in the institution. Another possible meaning of the title, â€Å"A Visit of Charity†is that in the world of  apathetic young people, there may be an instance when life offers an opportunity to look beyond themselves and show helpfulness or compassion for fellow human  beings. The title may be seen then as a case of Charity paying Marian a visit by offering her the opportunity to help or give solace or relief to the needy.  Being young and preoccupied with her personal agenda, though, she fails, as most young people do, to enrich herself from a special opportunity to reach out and be of service to others. As for â€Å"The Use of Force†by William Carlos Williams, the title at first glimpse conjures a serious or frightening situation like the application of brute force, a common subject in many literary works. In â€Å"The Use of Force†by Williams, we see instead the firm hand  of a physician who responds to the call of duty as he overcomes the temporary setback of an unwilling and naughty, young patient who resists him. The setting, characters, events and situations in both short stories come alive through the use of vivid language. When Welty describes the home for the aged as having walls that bounce off †the winter sunlight like a block of ice†(Welty 245) and corridors that â€Å"smell like the interior of a clock†(Welty 246), she lets readers in on the pitiable plight of the elderly women who endure not just the poorly illuminated and unkempt dwelling place but also the neglect and contempt of people entrusted to care for them, or society as a whole. Welty uses a lot of similes like these as the story progresses. William likewise uses figures of speech like personification as he amusingly narrates his experience with the impish Mathilda, the sick child with overprotective parents who are easily swayed by her whims but who care for her well-being. Williams, for instance describes the antagonist as follows: â€Å"The child was fairly eating me up with her cold, steady eyes†(Stuber). There are also symbolisms in each short story. In â€Å"A Visit of Charity,†the potted plant that Marian brings to the home for the aged is just a thing or gift that is expected of a visitor. In the same way, the elderly ladies are placed in the home because it is the right thing to do, even if they are not given the genuine warmth and attention they deserve as human beings. In â€Å"The Use of Force,†the parents of the sick child represent a bygone era, when medicine was not yet fully developed as a science and old-fashioned remedies were resorted to. The doctor may therefore represent the western world’s modern man or â€Å"savior†of those afflicted with illness. In â€Å"A Visit of Charity†by Eudora Welty, the main character desires or concentrates on her own personal advantage. In contrast, â€Å"The Use of Force†by William Carlos Williams depicts a doctor’s selfless concern to be of help to his patient. In both short fiction stories, the characters interact and engage in dialogue as part of a first-time encounter. The dialogue breathes life to the personalities of the characters, allowing readers to visualize and relate to them better, while also advancing the plot and making the story even more interesting. Both authors lend credibility to the main characters’ views by first establishing their age, gender. task or occupation, and the social class they represent as seen from their mode of dressing and speech. Overall, both William Carlos Williams and Eudora Welty are masters of the short story form who are effectively able to convey important social themes through imagery and characterization, among other elements of short fiction. Works Cited Stuber, Irene. â€Å"The Use of Force by William Carlos Williams (1883-1963).†Classic Short Stories. 1995. 17 July 2008 . Welty, Eudora. â€Å"A Visit of Charity.†Modern Satiric Stories: The Impropriety Principle. Ed. Gregory Fitzgerald. Illinois: Scott, Foresman and Company, 1971. 245-246.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Experience of working within a social work organization Essay
Introduction Organization is a social unit of people that is structured and managed to meet a need or to pursue collective goals .All organizations have a management structure that determines relationships between the different activities and the members, and subdivides and assigned roles, responsibility and authority to carry out different task (Sorenson, 1999, p. 76). Initially I will give a brief back ground about organisation of my placement, the Primary task, Authority and issues of diversity and inter-professional working. Interpersonal skills of a mental health professional are essential for an effective multidisciplinary team member, interpersonal skills, characteristics and attitudes are key to team working. Individuals on a team should be encouraged, through reflective practice and appropriate support, to examine their own characteristics and how they might adapt to a team environment. It is also important to recognize that while mental health professionals may have well-developed skills within their own area of expertise, it should not be assumed that they have all of the skills needed to collaborate effectively with others as part of a team. There is the primary task (also referred to as functional task or work task), this corresponds with the mission of an organization. Most organizations face multiple tasks all vying to be expressed in the service of the primary task. This is the point where authority, becomes central, i.e. the person who decides what task has priority. It is the authority boundary in conjunction with the task boundary that helps the task become clear and for the work of the group to be taken on successfully. (Hayden and Molenkamp, 2002, p. 7). Absent clarity at the authority boundary, destructive chaos is likely to result and the survival of the group is in peril. While in some instances such a collapse is desirable for the new to arise and for the task to be met. Yet from the perspective of the group that dies, the loss continues to live well after the time boundary passes. The primary task of my group in the organization, include case management, analysis of social welfare policies, and Care management’ was considered to be fundamental element of the community care reforms in the 1990 Act. In 2003 one in ten of local authority social workers were employed as care managers but it is difficult to know what this meant in terms of their roles and function. In theory the core tasks included: case finding and referral; assessment and selection; care planning and service packaging; monitoring and re-assessment; and case closure. (Knapp et al, 2005: 40). Functions that team the play for society was our objectives as a team was to create a society in the next two decades in which no child lives in poverty and where all children have opportunities to realize their potential. Improving opportunities for disadvantaged children is at the heart of our strategy.  (HM Treasury 1999, p. 39). As with older people, the consistent message that disabled people have given about the services they receive is that they do not adequately meet their needs. Research by Jenny Morris in the early 1990s found that statutory services were inflexible; were only available for the most basic personal care tasks; tended to `fit the client to the service’ rather than the service to the client; were provided in a way that reduced independence; and were only available to people in their own home so they could not be helped to go out, either to social activities or to work. Authority boundaries and facilitating structures, the role of authority boundaries and structures is to provide a space or object for the anxiety and worry work to be displaced among social workers, so that the group can attend to the task realistically and appropriately. The term leader acts out as the organization’s ambivalence and splitting. Interpreting this situation through Hirschhorn’s model suggests problematic consequences. The issue groups volunteers to take up the organizational tasks and attendant risks offered and accepted authority and, using Colin’s facilitating structures, did important work; they thus entered the virtuous cycle. This process, however, reduced the authority and increased the anxiety in the top team; they were likely to be heading for a vicious cycle of anxiety, leading to social defences, and therefore dysfunctional process and inhibiting structure. Thus, there were two competing processes: one facilitating change and the other undermining it. All organizations have socially constructed defences against the anxiety which is aroused through carrying out the primary task of the organization ( Isabel Menzies 1970 p.496) These social defences may be evident in the organization structure, in its procedures, information systems, roles, in its culture, and in the gap between what the organizations says it is doing and what it is actually doing. Social defences are â€Å"created†unconsciously by members of the organization through their interactions in carrying out the primary task. Social defaces helps the top team rarely to operate in the â€Å"work group†mode; basic assumption behavior is more prevalent. The term leader, in his leadership, yet an analysis of the top team’s dynamics suggests a high degree of basic assumption dependence. Additionally, lack human diversity within any given organization if the workplace is within, to coin (Hirschhorn’s, 1988 pp.39) term, then the learning organization must account for the variety of images that obtrude from the personal histories of each member. The work of (Kets de Vries and Miller 1985, pp.239) illustrates clearly the consequences of the neurotic qualities of managers permeating the working relations within an organization. Additionally, an element of diversity is a person’s age and life stage (pp.246) .On a different front writers such as (Gilligan 1982 pp.23) and (Schachtel , 1989 pp.214)  have argued in their own ways that gender influences strongly the way in which men and women engage with their world. The learning disabilities which Senge sees connected to structural manifestations of hierarchy and segmentation may be understood more deeply as evidence of patriarchal, phallocentric modes of engagement. Yet a reading of Senge shows no consideration of neurosis, age or gender, let alone libido, in the dynamics of the learning process. Furthermore, he does not consider how any one of these affects a person’s readiness to learn, which differs substantially between people at different times. He asserts that the learning organization is one which will end the war between home and work when managers realize that effective parenting is the model for leadership. Knowlden (1998) suggested that experience impact on a social worker ability to be caring; as a student social worker I was often overwhelmed by the working environment. This could imply that it is not the amount of experience which is important, but the length of time it takes for a social work to acclimatize. Support mechanisms such as preceptorship and clinical supervision may, therefore, have a role in facilitating compassionate care. (Pearcey’s 2007 p.29) study offers some support for Wright’s views. As a social work I observed that qualified social workers mainly cared for patients’ medical needs, with the core element delegated to junior practitioners. Many years ago a ‘task-centred’ approach to organizing care was proposed as a possible defence mechanism against the anxiety that a more interpersonal style of working creates (Menzies, 1970 p.258). This may offer some insight into the behaviour of social workers who seek refuge in form filling and other activities not directly related to care. Social worker students from different health disciplines often have little idea of what each other’s roles entail. Inter-professional learning increase this knowledge, as well as giving students an understanding of the interpersonal skills needed for liaison and communication. Every professional has its own roles, skills and responsibilities making for efficient practices in curing, managing or treating particular ailments, but has this always created cohesive team working in day-to-day working life. In my social worker practice fitting in the organization hierarchy was a problem, and I was not able to question, share knowledge and learn together without professional and defensive boundaries. Often, an institutional hierarchy may obstruct the flow of communication and prevent a person from contributing and feeling valued, which ultimately can negatively affect patient care (Reynolds, 2005 p.19). More longitudinal studies are needed that follow through and beyond my undergraduate studies, along with critical observation of the learning process. Standardizing in the curricula of all health professionals can improve key skills and prepare students for their careers by driving up standards of professionalism and best practice. Sometimes, in the hierarchy of the hospital, it is hard to know what one place is as a student social worker student. When one is it the bottom of the totem pole.  No one in this hospital is lower than me. I think most of us have probably gotten that vibe at some point, even if it hasn’t been explicitly articulated.  There’s the simple fact that, in some ways, we are occasionally more of a burden to the hospital than a benefit.  It’s a constant between trying to be useful, trying to learn something and really make the most of rotation, and simply not getting in the way. For example â€Å"one of social worker will help you,†the term leader said.  Maybe he was joking?  I couldn’t tell his intonation could have gone either way. Then, the leader handed me a folder.  â€Å"Here, fan her with this,†she said.  Again joking?  Not sure.   And naturally, being a social worker student, my mind immediately leapt to the assumption that they would think I wasn’t a team player if I didn’t agree to fan her. So really, what else could I do?  When the staff physician walked in, I tried to be nonchalant about the fact that I was standing by the patient’s head and fanning her with a purple confidentiality. Being at the bottom of the hierarchy within a multidisciplinary asking question is also a careful balance. A friend a year ahead of me gave me some pretty phenomenal advice:  If it’s a question related to patient care or unique to a particular situation, or about management of your patient’s condition ask away.  Of course, there’s a time and a place for everything. From the view of the individual I have sketched, the important questions about groups are those devoted to the conditions that take away the factors in social environment that ordinarily keep his self-system in its normal integration. (Bion, 1961: 145-6) Bion stated that the basic assumptions are states of mind the individuals in the group get into. The awareness of the group remains in its regressed form because the group is there and so restrains further disintegration which would be tantamount to psychotic states, an eventuality that the early structuring of the self also resists desperately. The problems of group dynamics thus become those of how the normal affirmations of the self system are removed. The situations of groups in this respect are of almost infinite variety. Thus when Bion said that certain illnesses might originate as diseases of the group, he thought specific illnesses might prove to be linked to specific states of the group. Here the most prominent stem from the task. Although there may have been some nominal description such as â€Å"to study group processes,†none of the members has any clear notion of what that task involves this affected my group as I was working with. There is therefore immediately a considerable loss for the self of its ego anchorage in reality. Important also is the realization that the task, in whatever form it emerges, will involve members in some exposure of their private and even hidden self. This factor I believe to be important in the group dynamics group, although much more so in the therapeutic one. Since the origin of the secret self was its unacceptability, there is a great deal of anxious suspicion among members is that which he expresses some of his feelings about the situation. In conclusion, from my experience, I have learnt that it is important for both the student and the organization placement staff to be aware of who is going where before the placement starts. A good social worker student will contact the organization team in advance of the placement in order to check what time to turn up, and whether there is any uniform policy or other protocols they should be aware of. Likewise a good ward team and mentor will encourage the student to come on a preliminary visit just to be given the above information and to say hello. It can help enormously to reduce anxiety on a first day if the student already knows one or two faces. On a pre-placement visit the student can be introduced to their mentor and have a quick chat and any placement reading can be handed out together with the placement information pack, outlining learning opportunities and ward information, shift pattern, dress code etc. Off duty rotas can be planned together and a pre-placement visit can also be the forum for any negotiation over study days and child care needs etc., so that the anxiety over these can be managed prior to the placement. A good welcoming pre-placement visit can begin the process of socialization into the team and its culture and can give the student an early sense of belonging.  References Bion, W.R., (1961) Experiences in groups and other papers. London: Tavistock Publications [Reprinted London: Routledge, 1989; London: Brunner-Routledge, 2001.] Corbin, J. (2008) Is caring a lost art in nursing? International Journal of Nursing Studies; 45, 163-165. Gilligan, C. (1982), In a Different Voice, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, . Hayden, C. & Molenkamp, R. J. (2002). â€Å"Tavistock primer II.†Jupiter, FL: The A. K. Rice Institute for the Study of Social Systems. Hirschhorn, L. (1988), The Workplace Within: Psychodynamics of Organizational Life, MIT           Press, Cambridge, MA, . HM Treasury (1999) Opportunity for All London. The Stationary Kets de Vries, M., Miller, D. (1985), The Neurotic Organization, Jossey Bass, London, . Knowlden, V. (1998) The Communication of Caring in Nursing. Indianapolis: Center Nursing Press. Menzies, I.E.P. (1970) The Functioning of Social Systems as a Defence Against Anxiety: Report on a Study of the Nursing Service of aGeneral Hospital. London: Tavistock Institute of Marital Studies. Pearcey, P. (2007) Tasks and routines in 21st century nursing: student nurses’ perceptions. British Journal of Nursing; 16: 5, 296-300. Reynolds F (2005) Communication and Clinical Effectiveness in Rehabilitation. Edinburgh: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann Schachtel, Z. (1989), â€Å"Men, women, and work†, in Changing Group Relations. The Proceedings of the Ninth Scientific Meeting of the A.K. Rice Institute (Eds),New York, NY, . Senge, P.M., Roberts, C., Ross, R.B., Smith, B.J., Kleiner, A. (1994), The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook: Strategies and Tools for Building a Learning Organization, Nicholas Brealey Publishing, London, . Senge, P.M. (1990), â€Å"The leader’s new work: building learning organizations†, Sloan Management Review, Fall Reprint 3211, Sorenson, G. (1999). Taking the robes off: when leaders step down. In B. Kellerman and L. Matusak(Eds.), Cutting Edge: Leadership 2000. College Park, MD: Academy of Leadership Press, 1999. Tweddell, L. (2007) Compassion on the curriculum. Nursing Times; 103: 38, 18-19. Â
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Children’s literature
Literature is (a) imaginative or creative writing; (b) distinguish writing, with deep sublime, noble feelings. It includes oral tradition passed on from generation to generation by word of mouth (e. g. proverbs, myths, legends, epic, folk song, etc. ). Literature, as defined by the oxford, etc. , valued as works of art (drama, fiction, essays, poetry, biography) contrasted with technical books and journalism; (2) all the writing of a country (French lit. ) or a period (18th Century English Lit. ); (3) printed material describing or advertising e. g. pamphlets; (4) books dealing with special subjects, travel, poultry farming.Literature is an art expressing beauty through the medium of language; a recreation through language of human situation and experiences, the orchestration of the manifold but elemental experiences of man blended into harmonious and desired patterns of expressions and a faithful reproduction of life executed in an artistic pattern (Del Prado). Why Study Literature? Literature leads to personal fulfilment and academic gains.Separating the values into personal and academic is an intellectual distinction, since both types benefit the students and are all proper parts of a student’s schooling. The distinction is useful, however, since teachers and librarians must often justify the benefits of literature in the classroom and find the academic benefits the most convincing ones for administrators and parents. Enjoyment The most important personal gain that good books offer to students is the most obvious one-enjoyment.Those of you who read widely as students will never forget the stories that were so tragic that you almost cried out, some were so funny that you laughed out, the poem that was so lifting that you never forgot it, or the mystery that was so scary that your heart thumped with apprehension. Such positive early experience often leads to a lifetime of reading enjoyment. Imagination and Inspiration By seeing the world around them in new ways and by considering ways of living other than their own, students increase their ability to think divergently.Stories often map the divergent paths that our ancestors might have taken or that our descendants might someday take. Through the vicarious experience of entering a different world from the present one, students develop their imaginations. In addition, stories about people, both real and imaginary, can inspire students to overcome obstacles, accept different perspectives, and formulate personal goals. The Academic Value of Literature to Student In addition to the personal benefits of literature for yong readers, there are several important academic benefits.Reading Many of you may have reached the common-sense deduction that reading ability, like any other skill, improves with practice. Many teachers and librarians believe that regular involvement with excellent and appropriate literature can foster language development to young people and can help them to learn to r ead and to value reading. Writing Since people tend to assimilate or adopt what they like of what they read and hear, young people may, by listening to and reading literature, begin to develop their own writing â€Å"voice†, or unique, personal writing style.By listening to and reading excellent literature, children are exposed to rich vocabulary and excellent writing styles, which serve as good models for their own speaking and writing voices. The acquisition of a larger vocabulary through reading offers young writers a better word choice for their own stories. Devices found in books such as the use of dialect, dialogue, and precise descriptions are often assimilated into students’ own writing. Vicarious ExperienceWhen a story is convincing written that readers feel as though they have live through an experience or have actually been in the place and time where the story is set, the book have given them a vicarious experience. Experiences such as these are broadening students to stories from many lands and cultures, teachers and libraries are building a solid foundation for multicultural and international understanding. Walking in someone else’s shoes often help students to develop a greater capacity to empathize with others.Students around the world can benefit from stories that explain what life is, for people who are restricted by handicaps, politics, or circumstances or whose lives are different from theirs because of culture or geography. Likewise, young readers of today can relate on a more personal level with the events and people of history. Heritage Stories that are handed down from one generation to the next connect us to our past, to the roots of our specific cultures, national heritage, and general human condition. Stories are the repositories of culture.Knowing the tales, characters, expression, riddles, lullabies, songs, and adages that are part of our cultural heritage makes us culturally literate. Stories based on fact hel p young people to gain a greater appreciation for what history is and for the people, both ordinary and extraordinary who made history. Art Appreciation Illustration in some literature books (Children’s Literature) can be appreciated both for its ability to help tell the story (cognitive value) and for its value as art (aesthetic value).Picture books are profusely illustrated books in which the illustrations are, to varying degrees, essential to the enjoyment and understanding of the story. For this reason, illustrations in picture books are said to be integral to the story. The illustration in picture books provides actual plot or concept information as well as clues to character traits, settings, and moods. Without the illustrations, therefore these books would be diminished, and in some case the story would make no sense or would be nonexistent.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Bharti Airtel Limited
Bharti Airtel Limited, commonly known as Airtel, is an Indian multinational telecommunications services company headquartered at New Delhi, India. It operates in 20 countries across South Asia, Africa and the Channel Islands. Airtel has GSM network in all countries in which it operates, providing 2G, 3G and 4G services depending upon the country of operation. Airtel is the world's third largest mobile telecommunications company with over 261 million subscribers across 150 countries as of August 2012. [4] It is the largest cellular service provider in India, with 183. 1 million subscribers as of November 2012. [5] Airtel is the third largest in-country mobile operator by subscriber base, behind China Mobile and China Unicom. Airtel is the largest provider of mobile telephony and second largest provider of fixed telephony in India, and is also a provider of broadband and subscription television services. It offers its telecom services under the airtel brand, and is headed by Sunil Bhar ti Mittal. Bharti Airtel is the first Indian telecom service provider to achieve Cisco Gold Certification. 6] It also acts as a carrier for national and international long distance communication services. The company has a submarine cable landing station at Chennai, which connects the submarine cable connecting Chennai and Singapore. Airtel is credited with pioneering the business strategy of outsourcing all of its business operations except marketing, sales and finance and building the ‘minutes factory' model of low cost and high volumes. The strategy has since been copied by several operators. [7] Its networkâ€â€base stations, microwave links, etc. is maintained by Ericsson and Nokia Siemens Network[8] whereas business support is provided by IBM,[9] and transmission towers are maintained by another company (Bharti Infratel Ltd. in India). [10] Ericsson agreed for the first time to be paid by the minute for installation and maintenance of their equipment rather than being paid up front, which allowed Airtel to provide low call rates of INR1/minute (US$0. 02/minute). [11] During the last financial year (2009–10), Bharti negotiated for its strategic partner Alcatel-Luc ent to manage the network infrastructure for the tele-media business. On 31 May 2012, Bharti Airtel awarded the three-year contract to Alcatel-Lucent for setting up an Internet Protocol access network (mobile backhaul) across the country. This would help consumers access internet at faster speed and high quality internet browsing on mobile handsets. [12] Sunil Mittal founded the Bharti Group. In 1983, Mittal was in an agreement with Germany's Siemens to manufacture push-button telephone models for the Indian market. In 1986, Mittal incorporated Bharti Telecom Limited (BTL), and his company became the first in India to offer push-button telephones, establishing the basis of Bharti Enterprises. By the early 1990s, Sunil Mittal had also launched the country's first fax machines and its first cordless telephones. In 1992, Mittal won a bid to build a cellular phone network in Delhi. In 1995, Mittal incorporated the cellular operations as Bharti Tele-Ventures and launched service in Delhi. In 1996, cellular service was extended to Himachal Pradesh. In 1999, Bharti Enterprises acquired control of JT Holdings, and extended cellular operations to Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. In 2000, Bharti acquired control of Skycell Communications, in Chennai. In 2001, the company acquired control of Spice Cell in Calcutta. Bharti Enterprises went public in 2002, and the company was listed on Bombay Stock Exchange and National Stock Exchange of India. In 2003, the cellular phone operations were rebranded under the single Airtel brand. In 2004, Bharti acquired control of Hexacom and entered Rajasthan. In 2005, Bharti extended its network to Andaman and Nicobar. This expansion allowed it to offer voice services all across India. In 2009, Airtel launched its first international mobile network in Sri Lanka. In 2010, Airtel acquired the African operations of the Kuwait based Zain Telecom. In March 2012, Airtel launched a mobile operation in Rwanda. [13] On 26 February 2013, Airtel announced that it had deployed Ericsson’s Mobile Broadband Charging (MBC) solution and completely modernized its prepaid services for its subscribers in India. As a part of the deal, Ericsson’s multi service MBC suite allows prepaid customers to have personalized profile based data charging plans. Prepaid customers will be able to customize their data plans across mobility, fixed line and broadband by cross bundling across multiple domains (2G, 3G, 4G/LTE & Wi-Fi). It will also offer flexible multi service charging in geographical redundant mode, making Airtel the first operator to implement geographical redundancy at such a large scale. [14] In May 2013, Bharti Infotel paid Rs 50,000 as compensation to a customer â€Å"for unfair trade practices†. The customer alleged that the company continued to aggressively demand payment despite customer requests for disconnection of service. [15]
Friday, September 13, 2019
Health and sefty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Health and sefty - Essay Example Naturally large number of skilled and unskilled manpower is engaged for successful completion of these projects. It has been observed with concern that large number of accidents of different types and intensities frequently occurs during different construction activities causing personal injury or property damage. Blake defines accident ‘as any assurance that interrupts or interferes with the orderly progress of the project’. The accidents are direct result of unsafe activities and conditions both of which can be controlled by health and safety management. Unsafe activities involve working without authority, failure to warn of danger, leaving equipment in dangerous condition, using defective equipment etc. Unsafe conditions involve inadequate or missing guard, defective tools and machinery, inadequate fire fighting, excessive noise etc. An accident prevention programme is aimed to reduce the number of accidents and there by the cost of construction. From the observation and analysis it has been seen that 85 to 95% of accidents are prevent able. It is not just a matter of setting up a list of rules and making safety inspection, although both of these have their place. We need a system for managing health and safety which meets the needs of project and fulfills legal requirements. Objectives of Health and Safety Management. The perceived objectives of the health and safety management for accident prevention are as under:- 1. To reduce the chances of loss of human life. 2. To reduce the temporary and permanent injuries to work force employed. 3. To avoid adoption of unsafe practices during all phases/ activities. 4. To avoid loss of materials resulting from accidents. Project Identification. A ware house was constructed for the storage of chemicals. The project involves design, excavation for basement, digging of foundations, scaffolding and form work for roof slab. The project was completed in six months and we will discuss the health and safety issu es along with risk management during all activities. Considerations and Decisions of the Architect/Designer. At the onset of design stage or planning to begin work, a comprehensive health and safety plan for the project should be formalized and set out in a health and safety plan. Following are the salient aspects need to be addressed by the designer. 1. The project should be well designed and meeting standard engineering and environmental requirement of the area by the competent designers. 2. Principles of structural design along with standard code practices are adhered while designing with minimum risk. 3. Waste management for the debris likely to encounter during construction must be worked out in design stage. 4. Environmental factors like wind, cold, snow and rain should be considered while designing the structure. 5. Adequate fire arrangement in design should be incorporated. 6. Cross checking of design by an independent party. 7. Design must ensure safety during constructi on and maintenance afterwards. Hazard Identification. These are danger or potential danger likely to occur during any phase of project. The Maximum hazard identification levels were found to be 0.899 (89.9%) for a construction project within the nuclear industry. Investigation into hazard identification levels have been initially targeted on three different industry sectors i.e. UK rail, nuclear, and general construction. Likely hazard during identified project are
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